首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied & Environmental Microbiology >Occurrence of Aspergillus Species in Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) along the Value Chain in Different Agro-Ecological Zones of Eastern Ethiopia

Occurrence of Aspergillus Species in Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) along the Value Chain in Different Agro-Ecological Zones of Eastern Ethiopia




Groundnut is an important cash crop for domestic markets as well as for foreign trade in several developing and developed countries. It is also one of the most valuable cash crops in eastern Ethiopia. However, its production is constrained by Aspergillus species, which cause quantitative losses and produce highly toxic and carcinogenic chemical substances known as aflatoxins. A reconnaissance survey was conducted in 2014 cropping season with a research objective to determine the levels of infection of groundnut seed by Aspergillus species along the groundnut value chain in different agro-ecological zones of eastern Ethiopia, including three major groundnut growing areas, namely Babile, Gursum and Fedis Districts of East Hararghe Zone, Oromia Regional State. In this study 210 groundnut seed samples were collected from farmers’ fields, farmers’ stores, market retailers and vendors at Babile, Fedis and Gursum districts in 2014 cropping season, and were tested for seed moisture content using electronic moisture meter. The frequency of Aspergillus species contamination on groundnut seeds was determined using plate counting methods. The seed moisture data showed that the moisture contents of seed samples ranged between 3 and 15%; the lowest was obtained from groundnut seed samples collected from vendors at Babile district and the highest was from farmers’ fields at harvest in Fedis district The proportion of seed contamination by Aspergillus species varied from 30% in seed collected from vendors to 85% in seed samples from farmers’ fields in Babile, Fedis and Gursum districts. Groundnut seed samples collected from farmers’ fields was the first (85%), where as from farmers’ stores had the second highest seed contamination with 80% infection, and groundnut samples collected from that of market retailers had 60% contamination. Five different Aspergillus species were associated with 210 groundnut seed samples along the groundnut value chain actors. Of the several Aspergillus species isolated from the groundnut seed samples, A. flavus and A. niger were the most prevalent mycotoxigenic fungi across the farmers’ fields, farmers’ stores, market retailers and vendors at Babile, Fedis and Gursum districts in the five agro-ecological zones of eastern Ethiopia such as low-land dry (LLD), low-land moist (LLM), mid-land dry (MLD), mid-land moist (MLM), and high-land humid (HLH). The occurrence of these two species ranged from 22.05-49.05% (A. flavus) and 23.83-48.11% (A. niger). Their relative dominance in number of isolates from the total associated fungi was 23 and 22%, respectively. On the other hand, A. parasiticus, A. ochraceus, and A. tamarii occurred rarely. The highest frequencies of occurrence of A. flavus and A. niger were on groundnut seed samples from farmers’ fields in Fedis district in mid-land moist agro-ecological zone and the least was from roasted groundnut seed samples from vendors in Babile, Fedis and Gursum districts in all the five agro-ecological zones. From the present findings, it could be concluded that there was high occurrence of aflatoxigenic fungi along the groundnut value chain actors. Also, the current results imply the urgent need for application of management measures against aflatoxigenic fungi to maintain the quality of groundnut in the various value chain processes and to avert human and animal health risks.
机译:花生是一些发展中国家和发达国家的国内市场以及对外贸易的重要经济作物。它也是埃塞俄比亚东部最有价值的经济作物之一。但是,其生产受到曲霉菌种的限制,曲霉菌引起数量损失,并产生称为黄曲霉毒素的高毒性和致癌化学物质。 2014年作物季节进行了一次调查,研究目的是确定埃塞俄比亚东部不同农业生态区(包括三个主要的花生种植区,即巴比勒)沿花生价值链的曲霉菌对花生种子的感染水平。奥罗米亚州州东部Hararghe区的Gursum和Fedis区。在这项研究中,2014年种植季节从Babile,Fedis和Gursum地区的农民田间,农民的商店,市场零售商和供应商中收集了210种花生种子样品,并使用电子水分计测试了种子的水分含量。使用平板计数法确定花生种子上曲霉菌污染的频率。种子含水量数据表明,种子样品的含水量在3%至15%之间。最低的是从巴比勒地区的供应商那里收集的花生种子样品中获得的,最高的是从Fedis地区的收割时的农民田间获得的种子。曲霉菌种污染的种子比例从供应商收集的种子中的30%到种子样品中的85%不等。来自Babile,Fedis和Gursum地区的农民田间。从农民田间采集的花生种子样品占第一位(85%),而从农民商店中采集的花生种子样品污染程度第二高,受感染率为80%,而从市场零售商那里采集的花生样品样品污染率为60%。沿着花生价值链参与者,有五个不同的曲霉菌种与210个花生种子样品相关联。在从花生种子样品中分离出的几种曲霉菌中,黄曲霉和黑曲霉是五种农业地区巴比勒,费迪斯和古尔苏姆地区农户,农户商店,市场零售商和销售商中最普遍的霉菌毒素真菌。埃塞俄比亚东部的生态区,例如低地干旱(LLD),低地潮湿(LLM),中地干旱(MLD),中地潮湿(MLM)和高地潮湿(HLH)。这两个物种的发生率分别为22.05-49.05%(黄曲霉)和23.83-48.11%(黑曲霉)。在相对于总相关真菌的分离物中,它们的相对优势分别为23%和22%。另一方面,寄生曲霉,曲霉和tamarii很少发生。黄曲霉和黑曲霉的最高发生频率来自中部湿润农业生态区费迪斯地区农民田间的花生种子样品,最少发生的来自巴比勒,费迪斯和巴比勒供应商的烤花生种子样品。五个农业生态区中的古尔苏姆地区。从目前的发现,可以得出结论,沿着花生价值链参与者,黄曲霉毒素真菌的发生率很高。此外,目前的结果暗示迫切需要采取针对黄曲霉毒素真菌的管理措施,以在各种价值链过程中维持花生的品质并避免人类和动物健康的风险。



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