首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Communications >Agricultural Communication Students Perceptions, Knowledge, and Identified Sources of Information About Agritourism

Agricultural Communication Students Perceptions, Knowledge, and Identified Sources of Information About Agritourism




With the struggling economy, agriculturalists are seeking new ways to become economically stable and viable. Agritourism is a topic that has not yet been evaluated at the collegiate level. Yet it may be an answer for agriculturalists seeking new approaches to profitability. The purpose of this study was to determine the perceptions, knowledge, and sources of information of agricultural communications students at the collegiate level in order to strengthen agritourism marketing competencies and skill development in postsecondary education. This quantitative descriptive study assessed agricultural communications students (N = 66) from 11 universities across the nation to determine students perceptions, knowledge, and identified sources of information regarding agritourism. The study maintained an 80.5% response rate. Most respondents were female (81.0%), and the majority of respondents were majoring or double majoring in agricultural communications (94%). Al most all respondents had families involved in agriculture (95.2%). Respondents ranked agriculture (M = 4.98, SD = 0.12) and agritourism (M = 4.45, SD = 0.66) as important. Agriculture-related festival(s) or event(s) (M = 4.46, SD = 0.75) were noted as the most important agritourism venue. Generally, respondents had previously attended an agritourism event (61.5%). Website (95.4%), print advertisement(s) (93.8%), and word-of-mouth (81.5%) were identified as the best sources of information in promoting agritourism. Over half of the respondents indicated not knowing whether or not their state had an agritourism department (52.3%). Future studies involving non-agricultural students’ perceptions and knowledge of agritourism must be conducted. Efforts should be made to increase agritourism marketing education and training in postsecondary education.
机译:在经济不景气的情况下,农业学家正在寻求新的方法来使经济稳定和可行。农业旅游是一个尚未在大学一级进行评估的主题。然而,这可能是寻求新的获利方法的农业学家的答案。这项研究的目的是确定大学水平上农业传播专业学生的看法,知识和信息来源,以增强农业旅游营销能力和中等教育中的技能发展。这项定量描述性研究评估了来自全国11所大学的农业传播系学生(N = 66),以确定学生的看法,知识,并确定了有关农业旅游的信息来源。该研究维持80.5%的回应率。大多数受访者是女性(81.0%),而大多数受访者是农业传播专业或双主修专业(94%)。几乎所有受访者中都有从事农业的家庭(95.2%)。受访者认为农业(M = 4.98,SD = 0.12)和农业旅游(M = 4.45,SD = 0.66)是重要的。与农业有关的节日或活动(M = 4.46,SD = 0.75)被认为是最重要的农业旅游场所。通常,受访者以前曾参加过农业旅游活动(61.5%)。网站(95.4%),印刷广告(93.8%)和口碑(81.5%)被认为是促进农业旅游发展的最佳信息来源。超过一半的受访者表示不知道自己所在的州是否设有农业旅游部门(52.3%)。将来必须进行涉及非农业学生对农业旅游的认识和知识的研究。应当加大对农业旅游市场营销的教育和中学后教育的培训。



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