首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Animal Production Advances >Growth Performance of Weaner Rabbits Fed Cowpea Based Rations as Protein Source

Growth Performance of Weaner Rabbits Fed Cowpea Based Rations as Protein Source




The study was conducted to investigate the effect of varying levels of cowpea in maize diets on the performance of weaner rabbits. Twenty-four mongrel rabbits of both sexes, 4 - 5 weeks old with an average weight of 624g were randomly distributed to four dietary treatments with six rabbits per treatment for 42 days. The four diets were formulated using cow peas which had been dehulled and fermented for 24 hours as a way of reducing antinutritional factors. The control Treatment 1 contained 18% CP from soybean while Treatments 2, 3 and 4 had 10% CP, 15% CP and 20% CP respectively based on cowpea. Clean cool water was offered ad libitum and feed offered and eaten was recorded daily. The rabbits were weighed weekly to determine body weight changes. Rabbits fed on diet 2 had significantly (p< 0.05) lower feed intake compared to other diets. Rabbits fed on diet 1 gained significantly (p< 0.05) more weight (500g) than rabbits fed on diet 2 (180g) after 5 weeks. The results indicate that cowpea can be used safely as a protein source in rabbit diets at inclusion level of up to 20% CP provided it is well processed.
机译:进行该研究以研究玉米饮食中不同水平的cow豆对断奶仔兔生产性能的影响。将平均体重为624g的4-5周龄的24只雌雄同体的杂种兔随机分配到4种饮食疗法中,每种疗法有6只兔子,共42天。四种饮食是使用cow豆配制的,cow豆经过脱壳和发酵24小时以减少抗营养因子。对照处理1的大豆CP含量为18%,而处理2、3和4的Treatment豆CP分别为10%,CP和15%和20%。随意提供干净的凉水,并每天记录提供和食用的饲料。每周称重兔子以确定体重变化。与其他饮食相比,饮食2喂养的兔子的采食量显着降低(p <0.05)。 5周后,饲喂饮食1的兔子比饲喂饮食2的兔子(180g)的体重(500g)显着增加(p <0.05)。结果表明,cow豆经过精心加工,可以安全地用作兔子日粮中的蛋白质来源,CP含量高达20%。



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