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Layered Evaluation in Recommender Systems: A Retrospective Assessment




valuation of recommender systems has only lately started to become more systematic, since the emphasis has long been on the experimental evaluation of algorithmic performance. Recent studies have proposed adopting a layered evaluation approach, according to which recommender systems may be decomposed into several components, evaluating each of them separately. Nevertheless, there are still no evaluation studies of recommender systems that apply a layered evaluation framework to explore how all the different components or layers of such a system may be assessed. This paper introduces layered evaluation and examines how a previously proposed layered evaluation framework for adaptive systems can be applied in the case of recommender systems. It presents the possible adaptation of this out a retrospective analysis of its past evaluation results under the new prism that the layered evaluation approach brings. Our analysis indicates that implementing a layered- based evaluation of recommender systems has the potential to facilitate a more detailed and informed evaluation of such systems, allowing researchers and developers to better understand how to improve them. Citation Manouselis, N., Karagiannidis, C. & Sampson, D. (2014). Layered Evaluation in Recommender Systems: A Retrospective Assessment. Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society, 10 (1),. Italian e-Learning Association. ? 2014 SIEL.
机译:推荐系统的评估最近才开始变得更加系统化,因为长期以来一直将重点放在算法性能的实验评估上。最近的研究提出采用分层评估方法,根据该方法,推荐系统可以分解为多个组件,分别评估每个组件。然而,仍然没有对推荐系统的评估研究,其采用分层评估框架来探索如何评估该系统的所有不同组件或层。本文介绍了分层评估,并研究了在推荐系统中如何应用先前提出的自适应系统分层评估框架。在分层评估方法带来的新视角下,它对过去的评估结果进行了回顾性分析,提出了可能的适应方案。我们的分析表明,对推荐系统进行分层评估有可能促进对此类系统进行更详细,更明智的评估,从而使研究人员和开发人员可以更好地了解如何进行改进。引用文献Manouselis,N.,Karagiannidis,C.&Sampson,D.(2014)。推荐系统中的分层评估:回顾性评估。电子学习与知识社会杂志,10(1),。意大利电子学习协会。 ? 2014 SIEL。



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