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OpenKnowledge and OpenGovernment: the experience of the municip@zione Living Lab project

机译:OpenKnowledge和OpenGovernment:municip @ zione生活实验室项目的经验



This work describes the research activity related to the field of open government developed in the municip@zione living lab project. The municip@zione project covers topics of the Italian Digital Agenda and in particular of the Digital Administration. In this work the project is firstly presented, successively the attention is focused on the on the e-participation experiment. The project is still running, but the first results achieved by the analysis carried out until now refer to the concept of “Media Accountability”. Specific attention is paid on the e-participation aspect by considering both technological and social interaction aspects introducing a “conceptual map” tanks to which a cost-benefit analysis can be performed in the field of e-participation. Citation Galiano, A., Impedovo, D. & Pezzuto, M. (2014). OpenKnowledge and OpenGovernment: the experience of the municip@zione Living Lab project. Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society, 10 (2),. Italian e-Learning Association. ? 2014 SIEL Keywords ICT.
机译:这项工作描述了在municip @ zione生活实验室项目中开展的与开放政府领域相关的研究活动。 municip @ zione项目涵盖意大利数字议程,尤其是数字管理的主题。在这项工作中,首先介绍了该项目,随后将注意力集中在电子参与实验上。该项目仍在运行中,但迄今为止进行的分析得出的第一个结果是指“媒体问责制”的概念。通过考虑技术和社会互动方面,特别关注电子参与方面,引入“概念图”容器,可以在电子参与领域对其进行成本效益分析。引文Galiano,A.,Impedovo,D.&Pezzuto,M.(2014)。 OpenKnowledge和OpenGovernment:municip @ zione生活实验室项目的经验。电子学习与知识社会杂志,10(2),。意大利电子学习协会。 ? 2014 SIEL关键词ICT。



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