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In search of a warning strategy against exchange-rate attacks: Forecasting tactics using artificial neural networks




“Heart attacks and devaluations are not predictable and, certainly, are never preannounced”. (The usual remark made by government spokesmen shortly after a domestic currency devaluation has taken place.)The contribution that this paper aspires to make is the prediction of an oncoming attack against the domestic currency, something that is expected to increase the possibilities of successful hedging by the authorities. The analysis has focused on the Greek Drachma, which has suffered a series of attacks during the past few years, thus offering a variety of such “shock” incidents accompanied by frequent interventions by the authorities. The prediction exercised here is performed in a discrete dynamics environment, based on the daily fluctuations of the interbank overnight interest rate, using artificial neural networks enhanced by genetic algorithms. The results obtained on the basis of the forecasting performance have been considered most encouraging, in providing a successful prediction of an oncoming attack against the domestic currency.
机译:“心脏病发作和贬值是无法预料的,​​当然,绝不会预先宣布”。 (政府发言人在本币贬值后不久发表的通常讲话。)本文希望做出的贡献是预测即将发生的对本币的攻击,这有望增加成功对冲的可能性。由当局。分析的重点是希腊德拉克马,在过去的几年中遭受了一系列袭击,因此提供了各种此类“震惊”事件,并伴随着当局的频繁干预。基于银行同业隔夜利率的每日波动,使用遗传算法增强的人工神经网络,在离散的动态环境中执行预测。人们认为,基于预测性能获得的结果最令人鼓舞,可以成功预测即将发生的对本国货币的攻击。



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