
Diabetic patients served at a regional level hospital: what is their clinical picture?




Objectives: We describe the demographics, diabetic characteristics, diabetic control and complications in the diabetes service in Edendale Regional Hospital, Pietermaritzburg, in this study. Diabetes mellitus, together with its complications, is increasing at an alarming rate worldwide. Good glycaemic control translates into lower long-term complications and longer life expectancy. Previous studies performed in both the public and the private sectors have demonstrated that there is suboptimal diabetic control in South Africa.Design: This was a retrospective database analysis. Datasheets were designed to ensure a comprehensive and standardised assessment of patients attending Edendale Hospital's diabetic clinic. Data were stored in a designed-for-purpose database.Subjects and setting: Data from 653 first-visit diabetic patients visiting Edendale Hospital's diabetic clinic between 1 October 2012 and 30 September 2013 were collected.Outcome measures: Glycaemic control, diabetic complications and target blood pressure were the outcome measures studied.Results: A total of 653 first-visit patients were seen, of whom 77.03% were female and 83.40% were type 2 diabetes patients. Only 36.33% of the type 2, and 49.07% of the type 1, diabetes mellitus patients, achieved a target blood pressure of≤140/80?mmHg. Only 1.23% of the type 1, and 11.18% of the type 2, diabetes mellitus patients, achieved optimal glycaemic control, defined as haemoglobin (Hb)A ≤ 7%. The mean HbA in the patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus was 11.82%, and 10.52% in the type 2 diabetes mellitus patients.Conclusion: This study showed the suboptimal control of both diabetes mellitus and hypertension in the clinic, together with high rates of diabetes complications. Obesity remains a major modifiable risk factor in both type 1 and 2 diabetes patients. Blood glucose control in this resource-limited setting was similar in those patients with home blood glucose monitoring versus those without it.
机译:目的:在这项研究中,我们描述了Pietermaritzburg的Edendale地区医院的糖尿病患者的人口统计学,糖尿病特征,糖尿病控制和并发症。糖尿病及其并发症正在全球范围内以惊人的速度增长。良好的血糖控制可降低长期并发症并延长预期寿命。先前在公共部门和私营部门进行的研究表明,南非存在糖尿病控制不佳的情况。设计:这是一项回顾性数据库分析。数据表旨在确保对在Edendale医院糖尿病诊所就诊的患者进行全面而标准化的评估。数据存储在专门设计的数据库中受试者和环境:收集了653位2012年10月1日至2013年9月30日期间前往伊登代尔医院糖尿病门诊就诊的糖尿病患者的数据。措施:血糖控制,糖尿病并发症和目标结果:共有653例初诊患者,其中女性占77.03%,2型糖尿病占83.40%。 2型糖尿病患者中只有36.33%,1型糖尿病患者中只有49.07%达到了≤140/ 80?mmHg的目标血压。 1型糖尿病患者中只有1.23%,2型糖尿病患者中只有11.18%实现了最佳的血糖控制,定义为血红蛋白(Hb)A≤7%。 1型糖尿病患者的平均HbA水平为11.82%,2型糖尿病患者的平均HbA水平为10.52%。结论:本研究显示,临床上对糖尿病和高血压的控制均欠佳,且糖尿病发生率高并发症。肥胖仍然是1型和2型糖尿病患者的主要可改变危险因素。在这种资源有限的情况下,有家庭血糖监测的患者与没有家庭血糖监测的患者的血糖控制相似。


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