首页> 外文期刊>Japanese Journal of Pharmacology >Cilnidipine Attenuates Renal Nerve Stimulation-Induced Renal Vasoconstriction and Antinatriuresis in Anesthetized Dogs

Cilnidipine Attenuates Renal Nerve Stimulation-Induced Renal Vasoconstriction and Antinatriuresis in Anesthetized Dogs




References(25) Cited-By(26) We examined the effects of cilnidipine, which is an L and N-type Ca2+ channel blocker, on adrenergically regulated renal functions in anesthetized dogs. Renal nerve stimulation (RNS) at high frequency (3-7 Hz) decreased renal blood flow (RBF) without changes in systemic blood pressure. The RBF response was inhibited by intrarenal arterial (i.r.a.) infusion of cilnidipine at 0.1-0.3 μg/kg/min. Lowfrequency RNS (0.5 -1 Hz) reduced absolute and fractional urinary sodium excretion. These responses were attenuated during i.r.a. infusion of cilnidipine at 0.3 μg/kg/min. An increase in norepinephrine secretion rate induced by low-frequency RNS was also attenuated during cilnidipine infusion. These results suggest that cilnidipine can suppress norepinephrine release from the renal nerve endings and thereby interfere with the neural control of renal functions.
机译:参考文献(25)Cited-By(26)我们研究了西尼地平(L和N型Ca2 +通道阻滞剂)对麻醉犬肾上腺素调节肾功能的影响。高频(3-7 Hz)的肾神经刺激(RNS)降低了肾血流量(RBF),而系统血压却没有变化。肾动脉(i.r.a.)以0.1-0.3μg/ kg / min的剂量输注西尼地平抑制了RBF反应。低频RNS(0.5 -1 Hz)减少了尿钠排泄的绝对和分数。这些反应在i.r.a.以0.3μg/ kg / min的剂量注入西尼地平。西尼地平输注期间,低频RNS诱导的去甲肾上腺素分泌速率的增加也被减弱。这些结果表明西尼地平可以抑制肾上腺素释放去甲肾上腺素,从而干扰肾功能的神经控制。



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