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An Epistemic Rationale for Order-Independence




The issue of the order-dependence of iterative deletion processes is well-known in the game theory community, and meanwhile conditions on the dominance concept underlying these processes have been detected which ensure order-independence (see e.g. the criteria of Gilboa et al., 1990 and Apt, 2011). While this kind of research deals with the technical issue, whether certain iterative deletion processes are order-independent, or not, our focus is on the normative issue, whether there are good reasons for employing order-independent iterative deletion processes on strategic games. We tackle this question from an epistemic perspective and attempt to figure out, whether order-independence contains some specific epistemic meaning. It turns out that, under fairly general preconditions on the choice rules underlying the iterative deletion processes, the order-independence of these deletion processes coincides with the epistemic characterization of their solutions by the common belief of choice-rule following behavior. The presumably most challenging precondition of this coincidence is the property of the independence of irrelevant acts. We also examine the consequences of two weakenings of this property on our epistemic motivation for order-independence. Although the coincidence mentioned above breaks down for both weakenings, still there exist interesting links between the order-independence of iterative deletion processes and the common belief of following the choice rules, on which these processes are based.
机译:迭代删除过程的顺序依赖性问题在博弈论社区中是众所周知的,与此同时,已经检测到这些过程所基于的主导概念的条件,这些条件确保了顺序独立性(例如,参见Gilboa等人的标准, 1990和Apt,2011)。尽管这类研究涉及技术问题,但某些迭代删除过程是否与订单无关,但我们的重点是规范性问题,是否有充分的理由在战略游戏中采用与订单无关的迭代删除过程。我们从认识论的角度解决这个问题,并试图弄清顺序独立性是否包含某些特定的认识论意义。事实证明,在相当普遍的前提下,基于迭代删除过程的选择规则,这些删除过程的顺序独立性通过选择规则遵循行为的普遍信念与解决方案的认识论特征相吻合。这种巧合可能最具有挑战性的前提是无关紧要的行为的独立性。我们还研究了此属性的两个弱点对我们独立于秩序的认知动机的后果。尽管上述巧合因两个弱点而破裂,但在迭代删除过程的顺序独立性与遵循这些过程所基于的选择规则的普遍信念之间仍然存在有趣的联系。



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