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Recalculating Default Values for Palm Oil




On 05 December 2010, the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) came into force in the EU. Member States are still working to fully transpose the Directive into national law and establish a framework for achieving their legally binding greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions. However, governments got off to a slow start as debate continues on the validity of the directives foundations including the default values used to measure the sustainability of biofuels. Only sustainable biofuels can be counted towards Member State targets. This, as a matter of principle, makes sense with respect to the very aim of renewable energy policies. On the other hand, the vague and distortive formulation and values regarding what is to be classified as “sustainable” have negatively impacted the perception of the underlying scientific base and methodologies as well as the reliability in the European biofuels sector. This uncertainty and the ongoing controversial debates are affecting investment and progress in the biofuel sector not just in Europe but all over the world. Producers of soybeans in the US, sugarcane in Brazil and palm oil in Malaysia and Indonesia as well as European importers and end-users of these products have all been sharply critical of the default values, citing significant variations in calculations that undermine the credibility of the values contained in the Directive. Given the remarkable difference between the calculation of carbon reduction performance of palm oil based biofuel by the EU and a range of scientific studies which we documented in an earlier paper (Pehnelt and Vietze 2009), we are re-calculating GHG emissions saving potentials for palm oil biodiesel in order to further assess the carbon footprint of palm oil to overcome the lack of transparency in existing publications on the issue and EU regulations governing the biofuel feed-stocks. The aim of this paper is to calculate realistic and transparent scenario based CO2-emission values for the GHG emission savings of palm oil fuel compared with fossil fuel. Using the calculation scheme proposed by the Renewable Energy Directive (RED), we derive a more realistic overall default value for palm oil diesel by using current input and output data of biofuel production (e.g. in South-East Asia) and documenting every single step in detail. We calculate different scenarios in which reliable data on the production conditions (and the regarding emission values during the production chain) of palm oil diesel are used. Our conservative calculations based on the Joint Research Centre’s (JEC 2011) background data and current publications on palm oil production result in GHG emissions saving potentials of palm oil based biodiesel fairly above the 35% threshold. We cannot reproduce the EU’s GHG saving values for palm oil. Rather, our results confirm the higher values obtained by other studies mentioned in our last paper (Pehnelt and Vietze 2009) and elsewhere in this study. Our results indicate default values for the GHG emission savings potential of palm oil biodiesel not only way beyond the 19 percent default value published in RED but also beyond the 35 percent threshold. Our findings conclude that the more accurate default value for palm oil feedstock for electricity generation to be 52%, and for transportation biodiesel between 38.5% and 41%, depending on the fossil fuel comparator. Our results confirm the findings by other studies and challenge the official default values published in RED. As indicated by lawsuits filed by environmental NGOs against the Commission for greater transparency related to the assessment of biofuels, the process has been severely lacking in full disclosure of metrics used to achieve the values contained in the Renewable Energy Directive. As a result, the reliability of the Directive to support the EU’s low-carbon ambitions is being undermined, exposing the EU and Commission to charges of trade discrimination and limiting the ability of Member States to achieve their legally binding GHG emission reductions. This analysis demonstrates that a full review of the values contained in the Directive should be undertaken and the values revised to ensure their accuracy, and raises questions as to the method that the values were originally established. Were outside parties consulted, including the industries directly affected by the assessments in the Directive? Were these values peer reviewed? In light of grievances expressed by producers throughout the world, including US soybean growers, Brazilian sugarcane farmers, and Malaysian and Indonesian palm growers, ensuring the Directive does not discriminate against imports is critical to the long-term efforts in the EU to reduce GHG emissions.
机译:2010年12月5日,可再生能源指令(RED)在欧盟生效。成员国仍在努力将该指令完全转化为国家法律,并建立实现其具有法律约束力的温室气体(GHG)减排的框架。但是,随着有关指令基础的有效性的辩论仍在继续,各国政府起步缓慢,这些基础包括用于衡量生物燃料可持续性的默认值。只有可持续的生物燃料才能计入会员国的目标。原则上,这对于可再生能源政策的目标而言是有意义的。另一方面,关于什么被归类为“可持续”的含糊和歪曲的表述和价值观对欧洲基础生物燃料部门的基本科学基础和方法论以及可靠性产生了负面影响。这种不确定性和持续不断的争议性辩论正在影响着生物燃料领域的投资和进展,不仅在欧洲,而且在全世界。美国的大豆生产商,巴西的甘蔗和马来西亚和印度尼西亚的棕榈油生产商,以及这些产品的欧洲进口商和最终用户都对默认值提出了严厉的批评,理由是计算上的重大差异破坏了产品的可信度。指令中包含的值。鉴于欧盟对棕榈油基生物燃料的碳减排性能的计算与我们在较早的论文(Pehnelt and Vietze 2009)中记录的一系列科学研究之间存在显着差异,因此我们正在重新计算棕榈的温室气体减排潜力石油生物柴油,以便进一步评估棕榈油的碳足迹,以克服有关该问题的现有出版物和有关生物燃料原料的欧盟法规缺乏透明度。本文的目的是根据棕榈油燃料与化石燃料的温室气体排放节省量,计算出基于现实且透明的基于情景的CO2排放值。使用可再生能源指令(RED)提出的计算方案,我们通过使用生物燃料生产的当前输入和输出数据(例如在东南亚)并记录生产过程中的每个步骤,得出了更现实的棕榈油柴油总体默认值。详情。我们计算了不同的场景,在这些场景中使用了有关棕榈油柴油的生产条件(以及生产链中有关排放值)的可靠数据。我们根据联合研究中心(JEC 2011)的背景数据和有关棕榈油生产的最新出版物进行的保守计算得出,棕榈油基生物柴油的温室气体减排潜力可能大大高于35%的阈值。我们无法复制欧盟的棕榈油温室气体节省值。相反,我们的结果证实了上一篇论文(Pehnelt和Vietze 2009)以及本研究其他地方提到的其他研究获得的更高价值。我们的结果表明,棕榈油生物柴油潜在的温室气体减排潜力的默认值不仅超过RED中公布的19%的默认值,而且超过了35%的阈值。我们的发现得出结论,根据化石燃料的比较情况,用于发电的棕榈油原料的更准确的默认值为52%,对于运输生物柴油的更准确的默认值为38.5%至41%。我们的结果证实了其他研究的发现,并对RED中公布的官方默认值提出了挑战。正如环保非政府组织向委员会提起的有关提高生物燃料评估透明度的诉讼所表明的那样,该过程严重缺乏充分公开用于实现《可再生能源指令》所含价值的指标。结果,该指令支持欧盟低碳野心的可靠性受到损害,使欧盟和欧盟委员会面临贸易歧视指控,并限制了成员国实现具有法律约束力的温室气体减排的能力。该分析表明,应该对指令中包含的值进行全面审查,并对值进行修订以确保其准确性,并提出有关最初确定值的方法的疑问。是否征询了外部各方的意见,包括受指令评估直接影响的行业?这些价值观是否经过同行评审?鉴于包括美国大豆种植者,巴西甘蔗种植者以及马来西亚和印度尼西亚棕榈种植者在内的世界各地生产者所表达的不满,确保指令不歧视进口对于欧盟在减少温室气体排放方面的长期努力至关重要。 。



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