首页> 外文期刊>Die Erde >Urban sustainability as a political instrument in the Gulf region exemplified by projects in Abu Dhabi

Urban sustainability as a political instrument in the Gulf region exemplified by projects in Abu Dhabi




The states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) are highly urbanised. The urban areas in the Gulf are nationally and internationally the focal point of economic development and political attention. Gulf cities are under rapid transformation and spaces of social, economic, ecological and political conflicts. While such dynamics gave rise to a differentiated debate on the political and social dimensions of urban sustainability in postindustrialised countries elsewhere, the narrative differs radically for the Gulf region. Urban sustainability in the Gulf will be discussed in this paper along three case-studies from Abu Dhabi that relate to the terminological and practical inception, adoption and transformation of the concept: The selected examples are modern residential neighbourhoods, the Abu Dhabi Vision 2030, and the eco-city model of Masdar. In combination with the general urban planning history of the city, these projects allow to trace the concept of urban sustainability in time and to understand its adoption into the Arabic language and the interrelations of the term to the Gulf regions’ specific political, ideological, and socio-cultural structures. Based on the works of Gunder (2006), Davidson (2010) and Brown (2016) the case studies reflect the concept of sustainability reduced to ‘sustainable development’. As such, it is becoming an ‘empty signifier’ that can be applied or instrumentalised by the ruling elites. This paper argues that the concept of urban sustainability in the Gulf is a foreign ‘import’ that serves in situ as a political instrument controlled by the ruling elites to stabilise the existing hegemonic power structures and to legitimise the political order.
机译:海湾合作委员会(GCC)的州已高度城市化。海湾地区是国内外经济发展和政治关注的焦点。海湾城市正处于快速转型之中,并且存在着社会,经济,生态和政治冲突的空间。尽管这种动态引发了对其他地方工业化后国家中城市可持续发展的政治和社会影响的辩论,但海湾地区的叙述却截然不同。本文将通过阿布扎比的三个案例研究来讨论海湾地区的城市可持续性,这些案例研究涉及该概念的术语和实践的产生,采用和转化:选定的例子是现代住宅区,《阿布扎比愿景2030》和《 Masdar的生态城市模型。这些项目与城市的总体城市规划历史相结合,可以及时追溯城市可持续性的概念,并理解其在阿拉伯语中的应用以及该术语与海湾地区特定的政治,思想和观念之间的相互关系。社会文化结构。根据Gunder(2006),Davidson(2010)和Brown(2016)的著作,案例研究反映了将可持续性概念简化为“可持续发展”的概念。因此,它正成为可以由统治精英应用或发挥作用的“空指示符”。本文认为,海湾地区城市可持续发展的概念是外国的“进口”,它是由统治精英控制的一种政治工具,以稳定现有的霸权权力结构并使该政治秩序合法化。



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