首页> 外文期刊>Die Erde >Environmental change and migration in coastal regions: examples from Ghana and Indonesia

Environmental change and migration in coastal regions: examples from Ghana and Indonesia




Coastal regions worldwide have been focal points for migration as well as affected by environmental changes for a long time. In the debate on climate change and migration coastal regions are among the “hot spot” areas that are supposed to be prone to “climate migration” in the near future. The paper analyses the situation in two different regional settings and advocates for a sound regional perspective on the relationship of environmental change and migration. Based on the conceptual framework of migrant trajectories, the paper shows how popu-lations in Keta (Ghana) and Semarang (Indonesia), affected by similar environmental changes such as flooding and erosion, react quite differently in terms of migration and mobility. The regional perspective as well as each region’s past experiences with migration and environmental changes shows to be crucial in order to understand current reactions to environmental degradation. The Keta setting represents a typology that pronounces migration trajectories as part of long-standing interregional and international migration, the Semarang setting, however, may be classified as a rather typical modernization-induced migration scheme, linked to rapidly growing urbanisation, with “trapped populations” on the one hand and in-migration of migrant workers on the other hand.
机译:长期以来,全世界的沿海地区一直是移民的焦点,并受到环境变化的影响。在有关气候变化和移民的辩论中,沿海地区属于“热点”地区,应该在不久的将来容易出现“气候移民”。本文分析了两个不同区域环境下的情况,并主张就环境变化与移民之间的关系建立一个健全的区域视角。本文基于移民轨迹的概念框架,显示了在加泰和加纳的三宝垄(印度尼西亚)的人口在受到类似洪水和侵蚀等类似环境变化的影响下,在迁移和迁移方面的反应截然不同。为了了解当前对环境退化的反应,区域观点以及每个区域过去在迁移和环境变化方面的经验至关重要。 Keta设置代表一种类型,它表明移民轨迹是长期的区域间和国际移民的一部分,然而,三宝垄设置可以归类为一种相当典型的现代化导致的移民计划,与快速增长的城市化联系在一起,被困人口一方面,而另一方面是农民工的移民。



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