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Pre-Columbian Earthworks in Coastal Amazonia




As in other parts of Amazonia, pre-Columbian Indians have profoundly modified the coast of the Guianas. Between 650 and 1650 AD, Arauquinoid people occupied a territory that was approximately 600 km long and used the raised field technique intensively before the European conquest. They erected thousands of raised fields of various shapes, dug canals, ditches, and pathways, and built artificial mounds to establish their villages. All these earthworks changed forever the face of the coastal flooded savannas and their ecology. Such labor was probably organized under the leadership of a central authority: it seems that Arauquinoid societies were organized in a chiefdom system. Statistical calculations, based on the known surface area of raised fields and on their estimated productivity, suggest a population density of 50 to 100 inhabitants per km2. Pre-Columbian inhabitants of the Guianas coast carefully organized, managed and “anthropisized” their territory following a specific pattern.
机译:与亚马孙州的其他地区一样,前哥伦布时期的印第安人深刻地改造了圭亚那的海岸。在公元650年至1650年之间,蛛网菌类人占领了约600公里长的领土,并在欧洲征服之前大量使用了田野技术。他们架设了数以千计的各种形状的高架田地,开凿了运河,沟渠和小路,并建造了人造土丘以建立自己的村庄。所有这些土方工程永远改变了沿海泛滥的热带稀树草原及其生态的面貌。这种劳动很可能是在中央权力机构的领导下组织的:似金蛛类的社会似乎是在公有制下组织的。根据凸起场的已知表面积及其估计的生产力进行的统计计算表明,每km 2 的人口密度为50至100。圭亚那沿岸的前哥伦布时期居民按照特定的模式精心组织,管理和“人类化”其领土。



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