首页> 外文期刊>Diseases of Aquatic Organisms >Locally extensive meningoencephalitis caused by Miamiensis avidus (syn. Philasterides dicentrarchi) in a zebra shark

Locally extensive meningoencephalitis caused by Miamiensis avidus (syn. Philasterides dicentrarchi) in a zebra shark

机译:由斑马鲨中的Miamiense greedy(Syn。Philasterida Dicentrarchus)引起的局部广泛脑膜脑炎



ABSTRACT: Scuticociliatosis, caused by ciliated protozoa in the subclass Scuticociliatia of the phylum Ciliophora, can cause fatal disease in teleost fish species. However, information on scuticociliatosis in elasmobranchs is still scarce. In this report, we describe a case of locally extensive meningoencephalitis caused by Miamiensis avidus (syn. Philasterides dicentrarchi) in a 2 yr old captive zebra shark Stegostoma fasciatum. Granulocytic meningoencephalitis was observed through histological assessment. Inflammation was confined to the ventral aspect of the brain with a large number of ciliated protozoa, transforming into non-suppurative meningitis in the lateral aspect, and gradually vanished in the dorsal aspect. No histopathological and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) evidence of systemic dissemination of M. avidus was found. PCR targeting the gene coding the small-subunit ribosomal RNA (SSUrRNA) of M. avidus was performed on the brain, liver, and gill tissues, and only brain tissue yielded a positive result. The DNA sequences from amplicons of the protozoal SSUrRNA gene were completely matched to that of M. avidus. The distribution of protozoa in the current case was mainly located in the brain and suggests the possibility of a direct neural invasive pathway of M. avidus through the nasal cavity/ampullary system and/or a unique tissue tropism of M. avidus specific to the brain in zebra sharks. Further investigations on the pathogenesis of M. avidus in elasmobranchs, especially zebra sharks, are needed.
机译:摘要:睫毛虫病是由纤毛门虫亚科的睫毛虫的纤毛虫引起的,可导致硬骨鱼类死亡。然而,关于弹bra中的皮肤oci虫病的信息仍然很少。在此报告中,我们描述了一例由2岁的圈养斑马鲨Stegostoma fasciatum的Miamiensis avidus(Syn。Philasterides dicentrarchi)引起的局部广泛脑膜脑炎。通过组织学评估观察到粒细胞性脑膜脑炎。炎症仅限于大脑腹侧,有大量纤毛的原生动物,在侧部转变为非化脓性脑膜炎,并在背侧逐渐消失。没有发现羊膜分枝杆菌全身传播的组织病理学和聚合酶链反应(PCR)证据。在脑,肝和g组织上进行了针对编码狂犬分枝杆菌小亚基核糖体RNA(SSUrRNA)的基因的PCR,只有脑组织产生了阳性结果。来自原生动物SSUrRNA基因的扩增子的DNA序列与狂犬分枝杆菌完全匹配。在本例中,原生动物的分布主要位于大脑中,提示可能存在狂犬分枝杆菌通过鼻腔/壶腹系统的直接神经侵入途径和/或特定于大脑的狂犬分枝杆菌的独特组织向性。在斑马鲨中。需要进一步研究在弹性分支,特别是斑马鲨中,狂犬病杆菌的发病机理。



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