首页> 外文期刊>The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine >Hepatic Hypertransaminasaemia of unknown Etiology Aclinico-pathological study

Hepatic Hypertransaminasaemia of unknown Etiology Aclinico-pathological study




Hepatic aminotransferases are sensitive indicators of liver cell injury. In some patients with persistent elevation of such enzymes; routine clinical, laboratory and serological data cannot establish the underlying causes. This study was designed to evaluate such patients both clinically and pathologically as a trial to reach the underlying etiology. Thirty patients with hepatic hypertransaminasaemia of unknown cause (18 females & 12 males), aged 18-50 years (mean age 37.7 4.6 years), together with ten controls (5 males & 5 females) [matched in age and body mass index with patients]; were included in this study. Both patients and controls were subjected to full history taking, clinical examination, estimation of blood glucose and lipid profile, liver function tests, serum iron & ferrtin estimation, hepatitis viral markers (HBs Ag HCV-Ab), anti Epstien Barr (EBV) and cytomegalovirus (CMV) antibodies, abdominal ultrasonography (U/S)and needle liver biopsy (done only for 15 patients who approved undergoing it. The study revealed that 18 patients had non alcoholic fatty liver disease NAFLD (bright liver on U/S), eleven patients out of them underwent liver biopsy that showed simple hepatic steatosis in four of them and non alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) in the other seven patients. Most of the eighteen patients with NAFLD were obese, diabetic and hypertensive. Four patients had positive serology for autoimmune hepatitis and two patients had positive serology for cytomegalovirus infection. All patients had normally ranged serum iron & ferritin. The remaining six patients had normal hepatic U/S and negative serology for different hepatic viruses; four of them underwent liver biopsy that revealed simple hepatic steatosis in two of them and non alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) in the other two patients. Conclusion & recommendation: Non alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) was found to be the commonest cause of unexplained hepatic hypertransamina-saemia. However, we must be minded with less frequent causes like autoimmune hepatitis and cytomegalovirus infection. Needle liver biopsy and possibly MR imaging of the liver are important investigational techniques for patients with hepatic hypertransaminasaemia associated with normal serum iron & ferrtin levels, negative serology of (autoimmune hepatitis & various hepatic viruses), normal hepatic ultrasonography; to diagnose those with occult hepatic steatosis among them. Estimation of HBV-DNA & HCV- RNA by (PCR) could be required for precise exclusion of HBV & HCV infection. Large-scale studies are recommended to verify these findings
机译:肝氨基转移酶是肝细胞损伤的敏感指标。在某些患者中此类酶持续升高;常规的临床,实验室和血清学数据无法确定根本原因。这项研究旨在评估此类患者的临床和病理状况,以作为尝试了解潜在病因的试验。 30例原因不明的肝性高转氨血症(18例女性和12例男性),年龄18-50岁(平均年龄37.7 4.6岁),以及10例对照(5例男性和5例女性)[年龄和体重指数与患者相匹配];被纳入这项研究。患者和对照组均接受了完整的病史,临床检查,血糖和血脂水平评估,肝功能检查,血清铁和铁蛋白评估,肝炎病毒标志物(HBs Ag HCV-Ab),抗Epstien Barr(EBV)和巨细胞病毒(CMV)抗体,腹部超声检查(U / S)和肝穿刺活检(仅对15例接受该检查的患者进行了检查。研究表明,有18例患者患有非酒精性脂肪性肝病NAFLD(U / S为亮肝),其中11例患者接受了肝活检,其中4例表现为单纯性肝脂肪变性,其他7例表现为非酒精性脂肪性肝炎(NASH),18例NAFLD患者大多数为肥胖,糖尿病和高血压,其中4例血清学检查阳性自身免疫性肝炎和2例巨细胞病毒感染的血清学阳性,所有患者的血清铁和铁蛋白均正常,其余6例肝U / S和不同肝病毒的阴性血清学;其中四人接受了肝活检,其中两人表现出单纯性肝脂肪变性,而另两名患者表现出非酒精性脂肪性肝炎(NASH)。结论与建议:非酒精性脂肪肝病(NAFLD)被发现是原因不明的肝高转氨血症的最常见原因。但是,我们必须注意自身免疫性肝炎和巨细胞病毒感染等较不常见的原因。肝穿针活检以及可能的肝脏MR成像是与正常血清铁和铁蛋白水平相关,自身免疫性肝炎和各种肝病毒血清学阴性,肝超声检查正常的肝高转氨血症的重要研究技术。诊断其中有隐匿性肝脂肪变性的人。为了精确排除HBV和HCV感染,可能需要通过(PCR)估计HBV-DNA和HCV-RNA。建议进行大规模研究以验证这些发现



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