首页> 外文期刊>The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine >Tranexamic Acid and Ethamsylate for Reducing Blood Loss in Patient Undergoing LSCS at High Risk for Postpartum Hemorrhage

Tranexamic Acid and Ethamsylate for Reducing Blood Loss in Patient Undergoing LSCS at High Risk for Postpartum Hemorrhage




Background: The aim of this study is to assess the efficacy of tranexamic acid (1 gm) and ethamsylate (1 gm) in reducing blood loss in patients undergoing LSCS at high risk for postpartum hemorrhage. Methods: This clinical trial was conducted at El Galaa Maternity Teaching Hospital. The study included 64 women who were at high risk of postpartum hemorrhage. Results: There was significant statistical difference in the vital data before and after placental delivery between the two groups. Group 1 (the case group) This group consists of 32 patients received 1gm Tranexamic acid and 1gm Ethamsylate Intravenous slowly in the 2 minutes.- Group 2 (the control group):This group consists of 32 patient received a placebo plus the routine prophylaxis intravenous 10 IU Oxytocin in the 2 minutes Conclusion: The use of tranexamic acid and ethamsylate in cases of cesarean section is effective as a prophylaxis against post-partum hemorrhage.
机译:背景:本研究的目的是评估氨甲环酸(1 gm)和乙胺(1 gm)在降低患有高产后出血风险的LSCS患者中的失血量的功效。方法:该临床试验在El Galaa孕妇教学医院进行。该研究纳入了64位产后出血高危女性。结果:两组胎盘分娩前后的生命数据差异有统计学意义。第1组(病例组)该组由32名患者组成,在2分钟内缓慢接受1gm氨甲环酸和1gm乙胺甲酸酯静脉注射。-第2组(对照组):该组由32名患者组成,接受安慰剂加常规预防性静脉注射2分钟内产生10 IU催产素结论:剖宫产术中使用氨甲环酸和乙草胺可有效预防产后出血。



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