首页> 外文期刊>Developmental Immunology: Journal of Immunology Research >Human Germinal Center CD4+CD57+T Cells ActDifferently On B Cells Than Do Classical T-Helper Cells

Human Germinal Center CD4+CD57+T Cells ActDifferently On B Cells Than Do Classical T-Helper Cells

机译:人类生殖中心CD4 + CD57 + T细胞对B细胞的作用不同于经典T辅助细胞



We have isolated two subtypes of helper T cells from human tonsils: CD4+CD57+cells,mostly located in the germinal center (GC), and CD4+CD57-cells, distributed through theinterfollicular areas but also present in the GC. In a functional study, we have compared thecapacities of these T-cell subtypes to stimulate B cells in cocultures. In order to block T-cellproliferation while maintaining their activation level, we pretreated isolated T cells withmitomycin C prior to culture in the presence of B cells and added polyclonal activators suchas PHA and Con A, combined or not with IL-2. Contrary to CD4+CD57-cells,CD4+CD57+cells did not markedly enhance B-cell proliferation. Even when sIgD-B cellstypical of germinal center cells were tested, the CD4 CD57 cells had no significant effect.This is in accordance with the location of these cells: They mainly occupy the light zonesof the GC where few B cells divide. Even when added to preactivated, actively proliferatingcells, CD4+CD57+cells failed to modulate B-cell multiplication. On the supernatants ofB-cell-T-cell cocultures, we examined by the ELISA technique the effect of T cells on Igsynthesis. Contrary to CD57-T cells, whose effect was strong, CD57+T cells weaklystimulated Ig synthesis. More IgM than IgG was generally found. Because CD57 antigen isa typical marker of natural killer cells, we tested the cytolytic activity of tonsillarCD4+CD57+cells on K562 target cells. Unlike NK cells, neither CD4+CD57+norCD4+CD57-cells exhibit any cytotoxicity. Thus, germinal center CD4+CD57+cells are notcytolytic and do not strongly stimulate either B-cell proliferation or Ig secretion.CD4+CD57-cells, however, enhance B-cell proliferation and differentiation, thus actinglike the classical helper cells of the T-dependent areas.
机译:我们已经从人类扁桃体中分离出了两种亚型的辅助性T细胞:CD4 + CD57 +细胞(主要位于生发中心(GC))和CD4 + CD57-细胞(通过小孔间分布,但也存在于GC中)。在功能研究中,我们比较了这些T细胞亚型在共培养物中刺激B细胞的能力。为了在维持活化水平的同时阻断T细胞增殖,我们在B细胞存在的条件下进行培养之前,先用丝裂霉素C预处理分离的T细胞,然后加入多克隆激活剂,例如PHA和Con A,与IL-2结合或不结合。与CD4 + CD57-细胞相反,CD4 + CD57 +细胞没有明显增强B细胞的增殖。即使对生发中心细胞典型的sIgD-B细胞进行了测试,CD4 CD57细胞也没有明显的作用。这与这些细胞的位置一致:它们主要占据了GC的亮区,几乎没有B细胞分裂。即使将CD4 + CD57 +细胞添加到预先激活的活跃增殖细胞中,也无法调节B细胞增殖。在B细胞-T细胞共培养的上清液中,我们通过ELISA技术检查了T细胞对Igs合成的影响。与效果很强的CD57-T细胞相反,CD57 + T细胞对Ig合成的刺激较弱。通常发现IgM比IgG多。因为CD57抗原是自然杀伤细胞的典型标志物,所以我们测试了扁桃体CD4 + CD57 +细胞对K562靶细胞的溶细胞活性。与NK细胞不同,CD4 + CD57 + norCD4 + CD57细胞均未显示任何细胞毒性。因此,生发中心CD4 + CD57 +细胞不具有溶细胞作用,不会强烈刺激B细胞增殖或Ig分泌。然而,CD4 + CD57细胞会增强B细胞增殖和分化,从而像T细胞的经典辅助细胞一样发挥作用。依赖区域。



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