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Basic and Functional Literacy and the Attainment of Vision 20-2020 in Nigeria




This paper examines the role of basic and functional literacy in achieving the Vision 20:2020 in Nigeria. Despite her abundant human and material resources, Nigeria is plagued with high rate of illiteracy. The country is ranked among the nine countries with the highest population of illiterate individuals in the world, i.e. the group otherwise known as the E9 Countries which comprises of Bangladesh, Brazil, China, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Nigeria and Pakistan. Without doubt, this contributes in one way or the other to the socio-economic backwardness of the country. Nigerian government recently launched a development plan known as Vision 20:2020.The Vision seeks to position Nigeria as one of the top 20 economies in the world by the year 2020. The framework wants to use agriculture, industrial and service sectors to grow the economy at an average of 13.5% over the next five years. However, this paper recognised the important role of a literate society in achieving any development plan by emphasizing on effective and efficient basic and functional literacy programmes in the delivery of the Vision 20:2020. Some of the recommendations made includes: rejuvenation of adult basic literacy programmes in Nigeria’s Local Government Areas to cater for the non-literate adults at the grass-root level; constant training and re-training of workers handling literacy programmes for functionality; and adequate funding should be made available to the institutions saddled with the responsibilities of planning and implementing adult literacy programmes in the country.
机译:本文研究了基本和功能素养在实现尼日利亚20:2020愿景中的作用。尽管尼日利亚拥有丰富的人力和物力资源,但文盲率很高。该国是世界上文盲人口最多的九个国家之一,即以孟加拉国,巴西,中国,埃及,印度,印度尼西亚,墨西哥,尼日利亚和巴基斯坦为代表的E9国家。毫无疑问,这以某种方式导致该国的社会经济落后。尼日利亚政府最近发布了一项发展计划,即“愿景20:2020”。该愿景旨在将尼日利亚定位为到2020年世界排名前20位的经济体之一。未来五年平均为13.5%。但是,本文通过在实现《 20:2020愿景》时强调有效和高效的基本和实用扫盲计划,认识到了扫盲社会在实现任何发展计划中的重要作用。提出的一些建议包括:振兴尼日利亚地方政府地区的成人基本扫盲计划,以迎合基层的非识字成人;对处理扫盲计划的功能的工人进行持续的培训和再培训;应当为承担该国计划和实施成人扫盲计划责任的机构提供足够的资金。



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