首页> 外文期刊>Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics >Capture, analysis and measurement of images of speech and smile dynamics

Capture, analysis and measurement of images of speech and smile dynamics




INTRODUCTION: Dynamic analysis of smile and speech makes it easier to identify the features that define facial esthetics while allowing researchers to study different variables and observe the effects of aging. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to present a method for capturing, analyzing and measuring video images to support the study of speech and smile dynamics. METHODS: Natural head positioning was standardized with the aid of a head holder (cephalostat). Image acquisition is performed with a video camera attached to a tripod, positioned at a fixed distance of 0.90 m. The subjects are trained to say out loud: "Tia Ema torcia pelo antigo time da Tchecoslováquia" and then to smile. The resulting images are fragmented and yielded four pictures that best represent a resting position, the least exposure of maxillary incisors, the greatest exposure of upper and lower incisors, and a posed smile. A freeware computer program called VIDEOMED was used to carry out measurements. CONCLUSION: The method presented in this study is an effective resource to record images captured during rest, speech and smile, thereby enabling a better understanding of changes in perioral soft tissues.
机译:简介:对微笑和言语的动态分析使识别面部美学的特征变得更加容易,同时允许研究人员研究不同的变量并观察衰老的影响。目的:本研究的目的是提出一种捕获,分析和测量视频图像的方法,以支持对语音和微笑动态的研究。方法:借助头部固定器(头枕)对自然的头部定位进行标准化。使用安装在三脚架上的摄像机以0.90 m的固定距离进行图像采集。训练对象大声说:“ Tia Ema torcia pelo antigo time daTchecoslováquia”,然后微笑。生成的图像被分割成四个图像,它们最能代表静止位置,上颌切牙的暴露最少,上下切牙的最大暴露以及摆姿势的微笑。使用名为VIDEOMED的免费软件程序进行测量。结论:本研究提出的方法是记录休息,言语和微笑期间捕获的图像的有效资源,从而使人们能够更好地了解口腔软组织的变化。



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