首页> 外文期刊>Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics >Distribution of stress on TMJ disc induced by use of chincup therapy: assessment by the finite element method

Distribution of stress on TMJ disc induced by use of chincup therapy: assessment by the finite element method




ABSTRACT Objective: To assess the distribution of stress produced on TMJ disc by chincup therapy, by means of the finite element method. Methods: a simplified three-dimensional TMJ disc model was developed by using Rhinoceros 3D software, and exported to ANSYS software. A 4.9N load was applied on the inferior surface of the model at inclinations of 30, 40, and 50 degrees to the mandibular plane (GoMe). ANSYS was used to analyze stress distribution on the TMJ disc for the different angulations, by means of finite element method. Results: The results showed that the tensile and compressive stresses concentrations were higher on the inferior surface of the model. More presence of tensile stress was found in the middle-anterior region of the model and its location was not altered in the three directions of load application. There was more presence of compressive stress in the middle and mid-posterior regions, but when a 50 o inclined load was applied, concentration in the middle region was prevalent. Tensile and compressive stresses intensities progressively diminished as the load was more vertically applied. Conclusions: stress induced by the chincup therapy is mainly located on the inferior surface of the model. Loads at greater angles to the mandibular plane produced distribution of stresses with lower intensity and a concentration of compressive stresses in the middle region. The simplified three-dimensional model proved useful for assessing the distribution of stresses on the TMJ disc induced by the chincup therapy.
机译:摘要目的:通过有限元方法评估下颌托治疗在TMJ椎间盘上产生的应力分布。方法:使用Rhinoceros 3D软件开发了简化的三维TMJ光盘模型,并将其导出到ANSYS软件。在模型的下表面相对于下颌平面(GoMe)倾斜30度,40度和50度时,施加了4.9N的载荷。通过有限元方法,使用ANSYS分析了不同角度下TMJ圆盘上的应力分布。结果:结果表明,模型下表面的拉伸应力和压缩应力浓度较高。在模型的中前部区域中发现了更多的拉伸应力,并且其位置在载荷施加的三个方向上没有改变。在中部和后部中部存在更多的压应力,但是当施加50 o的倾斜载荷时,中部区域很普遍。拉伸和压缩应力强度随着载荷的增加而逐渐减小。结论:下巴杯疗法引起的压力主要位于模型的下表面。与下颌平面成更大角度的载荷产生了强度较低的应力分布,并且在中间区域集中了压缩应力。经证实,简化的三维模型可用于评估由下cup治疗引起的TMJ椎间盘应力分布。



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