首页> 外文期刊>HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies >Exploring the critical moments when the Baptist denomination divided: Does revisiting these moments give hope to reconciliation between the ‘Union' and ‘Convention'?

Exploring the critical moments when the Baptist denomination divided: Does revisiting these moments give hope to reconciliation between the ‘Union' and ‘Convention'?




This article evaluated interpretations between members of the Baptist Union of South Africa (BUSA) and the Baptist Convention of South Africa (BCSA), revisiting a particular moment, the merger talks of 1980s, at the time when the Baptist Church further entrenched these divisions. The Baptist Church has a crippling historical relationship to the present, particularly as members of the faith interpret their sides of the story as being the ‘right' ones. This article grew out of the ethnographic work undertaken by the primary author, Luvuyo Ntombana (2007), and his involvement with the Baptist Church. It is felt that in order to create a sacred Church, congregations ought to move away from arguing about past events toward a more positive rethinking of what lessons can be learned from the past. Therefore, this article argued that by revisiting critical moments for the Church, such as the period of reconciliation between denominations within South Africa, conversations can be reinvigorated to help reconcile and unite current factions which currently harbour animosity and weigh down the faith through unnecessary infighting.
机译:本文评估了南非浸信会联盟(BUSA)与南非浸信会公约(BCSA)成员之间的解释,回顾了一个特定的时刻,即1980年代的合并谈判,当时浸信会进一步巩固了这些分歧。浸信会与现在的历史关系十分残酷,特别是因为信仰者将故事的立场解释为“正确的”立场。本文源于主要作者Luvuyo Ntombana(2007)所做的人种学工作,以及他与浸信会的合作。人们感到,为了建立一个神圣的教会,教会应该从争论过去的事件转向对过去可以学到的教训进行更积极的反思。因此,本文认为,通过重新审视教会的关键时刻(例如南非内部各派之间的和解时期),可以重新进行对话,以帮助调和和团结当前怀有敌意的当前派系,并通过不必要的内斗来压制信仰。



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