首页> 外文期刊>Hydrology and Earth System Sciences >Forest impacts on snow accumulation and ablation across an elevation gradient in a?temperate montane environment

Forest impacts on snow accumulation and ablation across an elevation gradient in a?temperate montane environment




Forest cover modifies snow accumulation and ablation rates via canopy interception and changes in sub-canopy energy balance processes. However, the ways in which snowpacks are affected by forest canopy processes vary depending on climatic, topographic and forest characteristics. Here we present results from a?4-year study of snow–forest interactions in the Oregon Cascades. We continuously monitored snow and meteorological variables at paired forested and open sites at three elevations representing the Low, Mid, and High seasonal snow zones in the study region. On a?monthly to bi-weekly basis, we surveyed snow depth and snow water equivalent across 900?m transects connecting the forested and open pairs of sites. Our results show that relative to nearby open areas, the dense, relatively warm forests at Low and Mid sites impede snow accumulation via canopy snow interception and increase sub-canopy snowpack energy inputs via longwave radiation. Compared with the Forest sites, snowpacks are deeper and last longer in the Open site at the Low and Mid sites (4–26 and 11–33?days, respectively). However, we see the opposite relationship at the relatively colder High sites, with the Forest site maintaining snow longer into the spring by 15–29?days relative to the nearby Open site. Canopy interception efficiency (iC/isubIE/sub) values at the Low and Mid Forest sites averaged 79 and 76?% of the total event snowfall, whereas iC/isubIE/sub was 31?% at the lower density High Forest site. At all elevations, longwave radiation in forested environments appears to be the primary energy component due to the maritime climate and forest presence, accounting for 93, 92, and 47?% of total energy inputs to the snowpack at the Low, Mid, and High Forest sites, respectively. Higher wind speeds in the High Open site significantly increase turbulent energy exchanges and snow sublimation. Lower wind speeds in the High Forest site create preferential snowfall deposition. These results show the importance of understanding the effects of forest cover on sub-canopy snowpack evolution and highlight the need for improved forest cover model representation to accurately predict water resources in maritime forests.
机译:森林覆盖通过林冠截留和亚林冠能量平衡过程的变化来改变积雪和消融率。但是,积雪受森林冠层过程影响的方式因气候,地形和森林特征而异。在这里,我们展示了一项为期4年的俄勒冈级联雪雪林相互作用研究的结果。我们在代表研究区域低,中和高季节性降雪区的三个海拔高度的成对森林和空地上连续监测雪和气象变量。在每月至每两周一次的时间内,我们调查了连接森林和空地的成对站点的900?m断面的雪深和雪水当量。我们的研究结果表明,相对于附近的空旷地区,低点和中点的茂密,相对温暖的森林通过冠层积雪拦截了积雪,并通过长波辐射增加了子冠层积雪的能量输入。与森林站点相比,开放站点在低站点和中站点的积雪更深,持续时间更长(分别为4–26和11–33天)。但是,我们在相对较冷的高海拔地区看到了相反的关系,森林地区的积雪相对于附近的空旷地区在春季到春季的积雪持续了15-29天。低森林和中森林站点的冠层截留效率( C IE )值平均占总降雪量的79%和76%,而 C 在较低密度的高森林地区, IE 为31%。在所有海拔高度,由于海洋气候和森林的存在,森林环境中的长波辐射似乎是主要的能源组成部分,分别占低,中和高地积雪总能量输入的93%,92%和47%林场分别。高空地区的较高风速显着增加了湍流能量交换和降雪升华。高森林地区的较低风速会产生优先降雪。这些结果表明,了解森林覆盖对亚冠积雪演化的影响非常重要,并强调需要改进森林覆盖模型表示以准确预测海洋森林中的水资源。



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