首页> 外文期刊>Hydrology and Earth System Sciences >Providing a non-deterministic representation of spatial variability of precipitation in the Everest region

Providing a non-deterministic representation of spatial variability of precipitation in the Everest region




This paper provides a new representation of the effect of altitude on precipitation that represents spatial and temporal variability in precipitation in the Everest region. Exclusive observation data are used to infer a piecewise linear function for the relation between altitude and precipitation and significant seasonal variations are highlighted. An original ensemble approach is applied to provide non-deterministic water budgets for middle and high-mountain catchments. Physical processes at the soil–atmosphere interface are represented through the Interactions Soil–Biosphere–Atmosphere (ISBA) surface scheme. Uncertainties associated with the model parametrization are limited by the integration of in situ measurements of soils and vegetation properties. Uncertainties associated with the representation of the orographic effect are shown to account for up to 16?% of annual total precipitation. Annual evapotranspiration is shown to represent 26?%?±?1?% of annual total precipitation for the mid-altitude catchment and 34%?±?3?% for the high-altitude catchment. Snowfall contribution is shown to be neglectable for the mid-altitude catchment, and it represents up to 44?%?±?8?% of total precipitation for the high-altitude catchment. These simulations on the local scale enhance current knowledge of the spatial variability in hydroclimatic processes in high- and mid-altitude mountain environments.
机译:本文提供了一种新的海拔高度对降水影响的表述,它代表了珠穆朗玛峰地区降水的时空变化。独家观测数据用于推断海拔和降水之间关系的分段线性函数,并突出显示了明显的季节性变化。原始的集成方法用于为中高山区流域提供不确定的水预算。土壤-大气界面的物理过程通过土壤-生物圈-大气相互作用(ISBA)表面方案表示。与模型参数化相关的不确定性受到土壤和植被特性的原位测量的集成的限制。与地形影响表示有关的不确定性被证明占年度总降水量的16%。高原中流域的年蒸散量占年总降水量的26 %%±±1%,高海拔流域的年蒸发量占年总降水量的34%±±3%。降雪对中高流域的贡献可忽略不计,占高流域总降水量的44 %%±±8%。这些局部尺度的模拟增强了当前对高海拔和中海拔山区环境中水文气候过程空间变异性的认识。



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