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Inklusivisme en eksklusivisme: ‘n Studie van twee tendense




Inclusivism and exclusivism: A study of two trendsThe identity of the church can be either inclusivist or exclusivist. Van Ruler's theocratic theology views the church as being an inclusive community in service of God's kingdom. It is the vehicle God uses to introduce his kingdom into the world. According to Van Ruler, however, the church also shows a unique character based on its relationship with Jesus Christ. Although the church can take many forms, Van Ruler's opinion is that the Christian Church could be advised by Old Testament Israel in this regard. This study shows that both inclusivist and exclusivist trends are present in the Old as well as the New Testament. The New Testament inherited the debate between these two opposing stances from the time of the Second Temple. Returning from exile, Sadocitic priests propagated an exclusivist identity for the Judaeans. Their viewpoint was based on the programme of Ezekiel 40–48, as is illustrated in the literature of Ezra–Nehemiah, the Priestly Writing, Chronicles and Jubilees. On the other hand, indeed there was an inclusivist approach as well, as is depicted in the books of Jonah, Ruth, Trito-Isaiah and even Numbers and Joshua. The conclusion drawn from the study is that both exclusivist and inclusivist trends are present in the Bible. Although the church does not have any other option in the present postmodern world but to be primarily an inclusive community, it should also show some form of exclusivism.
机译:包容主义和排他主义:两种趋势的研究教会的身份可以是包容主义的,也可以是排他性的。范·拉尔(Van Ruler)的神权神学认为,教堂是服务于神国度的包容性社区。这是上帝用来将他的王国介绍给世界的工具。然而,根据范·拉格(Van Ruler)的观点,教堂与耶稣基督的关系也显示出独特的性格。尽管教会可以采取多种形式,但范·鲁格(Van Ruler)的观点是,旧约以色列可以在这方面建议基督教教会。这项研究表明,旧约和新约中都存在包容主义和排他主义的趋势。从第二圣殿时代开始,新约继承了这两种对立立场之间的辩论。从流放返回后,萨多教教士为犹太人传播了排他主义的身份。他们的观点是建立在以西结书40-48的基础上的,正如以斯拉书-尼希米记,祭司著作,纪事和禧年文学中所说明的那样。另一方面,的确存在一种包容主义的方法,如约拿,露丝,特里托-以赛亚乃至数字和约书亚书中所描述的。该研究得出的结论是,圣经中同时存在排他主义和包容主义的趋势。尽管教会在当前的后现代世界中没有其他选择,但要成为一个主要的包容性社区,它还应该表现出某种形式的排他主义。



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