首页> 外文期刊>HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies >Prof dr FJ van Zyl as sendingteoloog

Prof dr FJ van Zyl as sendingteoloog

机译:FJ van Zyl教授担任宣教神学家



Prof Dr FJ van Zyl as mission theologian In this article, the theology of mission of Prof dr FJ van Zyl is being explored. This is done by way of his lectures in the Science of Mission at the University of Pretoria during 1960-1978 and also from articles in the magazines of the Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk dating back approximately forty years. It is found that almost none of his dictions is outdated. The radical cataclysm in the theology of mission, especially after 1961, he sharply detected and exposed. His theology of mission is built on a very broad theological base which can be described as theology of the Word. To him mission is proclamation.
机译:FJ van Zyl教授作为宣教神学家在本文中,FJ van Zyl教授的宣教神学正在探索中。这是通过他在1960年至1978年在比勒陀利亚大学的传教科学课程中的演讲,以及Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk杂志上约40年的文章中完成的。发现他的口述几乎没有过时。他在宣教神学上发生了根本性的灾难,尤其是在1961年以后,他敏锐地发现并揭露了这一点。他的宣教神学建立在非常广泛的神学基础上,可以说是道理的神学。对他来说,使命是宣告。



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