首页> 外文期刊>Hydrology and Earth System Sciences >Global downscaling of remotely sensed soil moisture using neural networks

Global downscaling of remotely sensed soil moisture using neural networks




Characterizing soil moisture at spatiotemporal scales relevant to land surface processes (i.e., of the order of 1?km) is necessary in order to quantify its role in regional feedbacks between the land surface and the atmospheric boundary layer. Moreover, several applications such as agricultural management can benefit from soil moisture information at fine spatial scales. Soil moisture estimates from current satellite missions have a reasonably good temporal revisit over the globe (2–3-day repeat time); however, their finest spatial resolution is 9?km. NASA's Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) satellite has estimated soil moisture at two different spatial scales of 36 and 9?km since April 2015. In this study, we develop a neural-network-based downscaling algorithm using SMAP observations and disaggregate soil moisture to 2.25?km spatial resolution. Our approach uses the mean monthly Normalized Differenced Vegetation Index (NDVI) as ancillary data to quantify the subpixel heterogeneity of soil moisture. Evaluation of the downscaled soil moisture estimates against in situ observations shows that their accuracy is better than or equal to the SMAP 9?km soil moisture estimates.
机译:为了量化土壤水分在土地表面和大气边界层之间的区域反馈中的作用,有必要在与土地表面过程相关的时空尺度(即1?km量级)上表征土壤水分。而且,诸如农业管理之类的一些应用可以在精细的空间尺度上受益于土壤水分信息。根据目前的卫星任务估算的土壤湿度在全球范围内具有相当好的时间重访(2-3天的重复时间);但是,它们的最佳空间分辨率为9?km。自2015年4月起,美国国家航空航天局(NASA)的土壤水分主动无源(SMAP)卫星已在36和9?km的两个不同空间尺度上估算了土壤水分。 2.25公里的空间分辨率。我们的方法使用月平均归一化植被指数(NDVI)作为辅助数据来量化土壤水分的亚像素异质性。根据现场观测结果对缩小的土壤湿度估算值进行评估表明,其准确性优于或等于SMAP 9 km km的土壤湿度估算值。



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