首页> 外文期刊>Hydrology and Earth System Sciences >Halon-1301 – further evidence of its performance as an age tracer in New Zealand groundwater

Halon-1301 – further evidence of its performance as an age tracer in New Zealand groundwater

机译:Halon-1301 –进一步证明了其在新西兰地下水中的年龄追踪功能



We recently discovered a new groundwater age tracer, Halon-1301, which can be used to date groundwater recharged after the 1970s. In a previous study, we showed that Halon-1301 reliably inferred groundwater age at the majority of groundwater sites studied. At those sites, ages inferred from Halon-1301 agreed with those inferred from SFsub6/sub and tritium, two reliable widely applied groundwater age tracers. A few samples, however, showed reduced concentrations of Halon-1301, preventing meaningful age interpretation from its concentration. These reduced concentrations were likely a result of degradation or retardation of Halon-1301 in the aquifer. However, we could not provide full evidence for this due to the limited number of groundwater samples analysed (18?in total). In this study, we assess the potential of Halon-1301 as a groundwater age tracer for a larger dataset of groundwater samples under specific groundwater conditions, including highly anoxic young groundwater which can significantly degrade Halon-1301, to gain more information on the magnitude of occurrence and the causes of reduced Halon-1301 concentrations. brbr In this study, we analysed 302 groundwater samples for Halon-1301, SFsub6/sub, tritium and the CFCs CFC-11, CFC-12 and CFC-113. Comparison of age information inferred from the concentrations of these tracers allows assessment of the performance of Halon-1301 compared to other well established and widely used age tracers. The samples are taken from different groundwater environments in New Zealand and include anoxic and oxic waters with mean residence times ranging from &?2?years to over 150?years (tritium-free). brbr The majority of assessed samples have reduced or elevated concentrations of CFCs, which makes it impossible to infer a reliable age using the CFCs for these samples. Halon-1301, however, reliably infers ages for CFC-contaminated waters. Three other groundwater samples were found to have elevated SFsub6/sub concentrations (contaminated). Again, at these SFsub6/sub-contaminated sites, ages inferred from Halon-1301 agree with ages inferred from tritium. A few samples (14?sites) exhibit reduced concentrations of Halon-1301, which result in elevated inferred Halon-1301 ages in comparison to those inferred from SFsub6/sub, tritium and/or CFC-113. Assessment of the groundwater environment at these sites gives further insight into the potential causes of Halon-1301 reduction in groundwater. brbr Overall, Halon-1301 gives age information that matches ages inferred from SFsub6/sub and/or tritium for the majority (97?%) of the assessed groundwater sites. These findings suggest that Halon-1301 is a reasonably reliable groundwater age tracer, and is in particular significantly more reliable than the CFCs, which may have contamination and degradation problems. Halon-1301 thus has potential to become a useful groundwater age tracer where SFsub6/sub and the CFCs are compromised, and where additional independent tracers are needed to constrain complex mixing models.
机译:我们最近发现了一种新的地下水年龄示踪剂,Halon-1301,可用于确定1970年代后补充的地下水的年代。在先前的研究中,我们表明Halon-1301在所研究的大多数地下水位中都能可靠地推断出地下水年龄。在这些地点,从Halon-1301推断的年龄与从SF 6 和tri(两种可靠的广泛应用的地下水年龄追踪器)推断的年龄一致。但是,一些样品显示Halon-1301的浓度降低,从而无法从其浓度解释有意义的年龄。这些降低的浓度可能是含水层中Halon-1301降解或延迟的结果。但是,由于分析的地下水样品数量有限(总共18个),我们无法提供充分的证据。在这项研究中,我们评估了Halon-1301在特定地下水条件下(包括高度缺氧的年轻地下水,可显着降解Halon-1301的较大地下水样本)的较大数据集的地下水年龄示踪剂的潜力,从而获得有关Halon-1301强度的更多信息。 Halon-1301浓度降低的发生和原因。 在这项研究中,我们分析了302个地下水样品中的Halon-1301,SF 6 ,tri和CFC CFC-11,CFC-12和CFC-113。从这些示踪剂的浓度推断出的年龄信息进行比较,可以评估Halon-1301与其他公认的并广泛使用的年龄示踪剂的性能。样品取自新西兰不同的地下水环境,包括缺氧和含氧水,平均停留时间范围从<2年到超过150年(不含tri)。 大多数评估样品的CFC浓度降低或升高,这使得使用这些样品的CFC无法推断出可靠的年龄。但是,Halon-1301可以可靠地推断出受CFC污染的水的年龄。发现另外三个地下水样品中的SF 6 浓度升高(被污染)。同样,在这些被SF 6 污染的位点,从Halon-1301推断出的年龄与从tri中推断出的年龄一致。与从SF 6 ,tri和/或CFC-113推断的样品相比,少数样品(14个位点)的Halon-1301浓度降低,导致推断的Halon-1301年龄升高。对这些地点的地下水环境进行评估可以进一步了解Halon-1301地下水减少的潜在原因。 总体而言,Halon-1301提供的年龄信息与大多数被评估地下水位(97%)的从SF 6 和/或tri推断出的年龄相匹配。这些发现表明,Halon-1301是一种相当可靠的地下水年龄示踪剂,特别是它比可能存在污染和降解问题的CFC更加可靠。因此,如果SF 6 和CFC受到损害,并且需要额外的独立示踪剂来约束复杂的混合模型,那么Halon-1301可能会成为有用的地下水年龄示踪剂。



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