首页> 外文期刊>Hydrology and Earth System Sciences >An Assessment of the potential impact of the Gothenburg Protocol on surface water chemistry using the dynamic MAGIC model at acid sensitive sites in the UK

An Assessment of the potential impact of the Gothenburg Protocol on surface water chemistry using the dynamic MAGIC model at acid sensitive sites in the UK




The MAGIC model has been systematicallycalibrated to 12 sites in the UK, which form part of the UK Acid WatersMonitoring Network, using best available data. The modelsuccessfully simulates observed changes in major ions and acid neutralisingcapacity over the period 1988 to 2000. Predictions for thefuture are made assuming no further emission reductions from present day(constant deposition at current level) compared to reducedsulphur and nitrogen emission agreed under the Gothenburg Protocol (reducedsulphur dioxide emission by c.80%, nitrogen oxides byc.45% and ammonia by 20% by 2010). In addition, uncertainty in our understandingof future nitrogen dynamics is assessed using "best"and "worst" cases of nitrogen leaching in the model. The results clearlyindicate the need to achieve further emission reductionsin sulphur and nitrogen beyond present day levels to prevent continued surfacewater acidification. The predictions further indicate thatif the emission reductions agreed under the Gothenburg Protocol are achieved by2010 this will promote a recovery in acid neutralising capacityby 2020 at all sites. Differences between "best" and "worst" casenitrate leaching are relatively small, emphasising the need to achievethe sulphur reductions in the shorter term. In the longer term, beyond 2020,increased nitrogen leaching under the "worst case" leadingto further acidification is likely indicating a need for further reduction ofnitrogen emissions. style="line-height: 20px;">Keywords: acidification, recovery, model, Gothenburg Protocol, nitrogen
机译:MAGIC模型已使用可获得的最佳数据在英国的12个站点进行了系统校准,这些站点构成了英国酸性水监测网络的一部分。该模型成功地模拟了1988年至2000年期间观察到的主要离子和酸中和能力的变化。对未来的预测是假设与Gothenburg协议中商定的减少硫和氮排放量相比,从今天起没有进一步的减排量(以当前水平不变沉积)(到2010年,将二氧化硫的排放量降低了约80%,氮氧化物的排放量降低了约45%,氨的排放量降低了20%。此外,使用模型中“最佳”和“最差”的氮浸出情况评估了我们对未来氮动力学的理解的不确定性。结果清楚地表明,有必要进一步减少硫和氮的排放量,以超过目前的水平,以防止持续的地表水酸化。这些预测还表明,如果到2010年实现《哥德堡议定书》商定的减排量,这将促进到2020年所有地点的酸中和能力恢复。 “最佳”和“最差”的硝酸铵浸出之间的差异相对较小,强调需要在短期内实现硫的减少。从长远来看,到2020年以后,“最坏情况”下的氮浸出会增加,导致进一步酸化,这表明需要进一步减少氮的排放。 style =“ line-height:20px;”> 关键字:酸化,回收,模型,哥德堡议定书,氮



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