首页> 外文期刊>Hydrology and Earth System Sciences >The development of an approach to assess critical loads of acidity for woodland habitats in Great Britain

The development of an approach to assess critical loads of acidity for woodland habitats in Great Britain




Alongside other countries that are signatories to the UNECE Convention Long Range Transboundary on Air Pollution, the UK is committed to reducing the impact of air pollution on the environment. To advise and guide this policy in relation to atmospheric emissions of sulphur and nitrogen, a critical load approach has been developed. To assess the potential impact of these pollutants on woodland habitats a steady state, simple mass balance model has been parameterised. For mineral soils, a Ca:Al ratio in soil solution has been used as the critical load indicator for potential damage. For peat and organic soils critical loads have been set according to a pH criterion. Together these approaches have been used with national datasets to examine the potential scale of acidification in woodland habitats across the UK. The results can be mapped to show the spatial variability in critical loads of the three principal woodland habitat types (managed coniferous, managed broadleaved/ mixed woodland and unmanaged woodland). The results suggest that there is a wide range of critical loads. The most sensitive (lowest) critical loads are associated with managed coniferous followed by unmanaged woodland on peat soils. Calculations indicate that at steady state, acid deposition inputs reported for 1995–1997 result in a large proportion of all the woodland habitats identified receiving deposition loads in excess of their critical load; i.e. critical loads are exceeded. These are discussed in relation to future modelled depositions for 2010. Whilst significant widespread negative impacts of such deposition on UK woodland habitats have not been reported, the work serves to illustrate that if acid deposition inputs were maintained and projected emissions reductions not achieved, the long-term sustainability of large areas of woodland in the UK could be compromised. style="line-height: 20px;">Keywords: critical loads, acid deposition, acidification, woodland, simple mass balance model, sustainability
机译:与签署UNECE公约关于空气污染的远程越境的其他国家一样,英国也致力于减少空气污染对环境的影响。为了建议和指导有关大气中硫和氮排放的政策,已经开发了一种关键负荷方法。为了评估这些污染物对林地生境的稳态影响,已对简单的质量平衡模型进行了参数化。对于矿质土壤,土壤溶液中的Ca:Al比已用作潜在破坏的关键负荷指标。对于泥炭和有机土壤,已根据pH值标准设定了临界载荷。这些方法已与国家数据集一起使用,以检查整个英国林地栖息地酸化的潜在规模。可以对结果进行映射,以显示三种主要林地生境类型(管理的针叶林,管理的阔叶/混合林地和非管理林地)的临界负荷的空间变异性。结果表明存在很大的临界载荷。最敏感(最低)的临界载荷与可管理的针叶林有关,其次是泥炭土壤上未经管理的林地。计算表明,在稳定状态下,1995-1997年间报告的酸沉降量输入结果表明,在所有林地生境中,很大一部分承受的沉降量超过了临界负荷。即超过了关键负荷。讨论了与2010年的未来沉积模型有关的问题。虽然尚未报告这种沉积对英国林地栖息地的重大负面影响,但这项工作旨在说明,如果维持酸沉降投入并且未实现预计的减排量,那么 style =“ line-height:20px;”> 关键字:关键负荷,酸沉降,酸化,林地,简单的质量平衡模型,可持续性



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