首页> 外文期刊>HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies >Genesis 2–3 and Alcibiades's speech in Plato's Symposium : A cultural critical reading

Genesis 2–3 and Alcibiades's speech in Plato's Symposium : A cultural critical reading




The purpose of this article is to discuss some basic problems and methodological steps concerning the encounter between Hebrews and Greeks in the Classical period and its impact on the Hellenistic era. The relationship between the Old Testament and Ancient Greek literature will be examined on the basis of Genesis 2–3 and Alcibiades's speech in Plato's Symposium (212c–223d). The following considerations and models of interpretation can arise from the analysis of Alcibiades's speech compared to M- and LXX-Genesis 2–3: (1) Ancient Greek writers were familiar with Old Testament oral or written traditions through improvised translations. They prepared the way for the LXX and, in their compositions, were in dispute with them although they do not make specific references to the Hebrews and their literature; (2) Hebrew authors knew the works of Ancient Greek authors and used Greek philosophical terminology which they creatively adapted to Semitic models; (3) Both models are possible. One should not rush to any decisions but examine each case individually, in the original language.
机译:本文的目的是讨论有关希伯来人和希腊人在古典时期的相遇及其对希腊时代的影响的一些基本问题和方法论步骤。将根据创世纪2–3和柏拉图研讨会(212c–223d)中Alcibiades的讲话,对旧约与古希腊文学之间的关系进行考察。对Alcibiades的语音与M-和LXX-Genesis 2–3进行比较分析,可以得出以下考虑因素和解释模型:(1)古希腊作家通过即兴翻译熟悉旧约的口头或书面传统。他们为LXX做好了准备,尽管他们没有具体提及希伯来人及其文学,但在组成方面与他们存在争议。 (2)希伯来语作者了解古希腊作家的作品,并使用了希腊哲学术语,他们创造性地适应了闪米特模型。 (3)两种型号都是可能的。不应急于做出任何决定,而应以原始语言逐一检查每个案例。



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