首页> 外文期刊>HPB Surgery >Pharmacokinetics of Octreotide in PatientsWith Cirrhosis and Portal Hypertension;Relationship Between the Plasma Levelsof the Analogue and the Magnitudeand Duration of the Reduction in CorrectedWedged Hepatic Venous Pressure

Pharmacokinetics of Octreotide in PatientsWith Cirrhosis and Portal Hypertension;Relationship Between the Plasma Levelsof the Analogue and the Magnitudeand Duration of the Reduction in CorrectedWedged Hepatic Venous Pressure




In healthy subjects octreotide is largely metabolisedby the liver suggesting that the plasma half-life of thesomatostatin analogue may be prolonged in patientswith hepatic dysfunction. The aim of this study wastherefore (a) to determine the pharmacokinetics ofoctreotide following its subcutaneous injection in 6patients with cirrhosis and portal hypertension and(b) compare the magnitude and duration of the effectsof intravenous administration of 250 μg somatostatinand 50 μg octreotide on corrected wedged hepaticvenous pressure (WHVP) and to relate the findings tothe plasma levels of the analogue 1h after administrationin 13 patients with cirrhosis and portalhypertension. Following subcutaneous administrationof 50 μg octreotide the circulating half life (range2.4 to 4.79 h) was prolonged whereas the clearance(range 2.101 to 4.775 L/h) was decreased compared tohealthy controls. Intravenous bolus administration of25 μg somatostatin or 50 μg octreotide resulted in areduction in WHVP of approximately the samemagnitude and duration despite appreciable quantitiesof the analogue in the blood lh after administration(1944 ± 226 pg/ml). These results indicatethat the circulating half-life of octreotide is prolongedin cirrhotics suggesting that the dosageregimens should be modified in such patients toavoid accumulation of the analogue in the bloodwhich may result in undesirable side-effects ortoxicity. Furthermore, since the magnitude andduration of the reduction in WHVP elicited by IVoctreotide is similar to that obseved with somatostatin,the analogue, like the native hormone, must beadministered by continuous IV infusion to produce asustained response and hence a therapeutic effect inthe management of acute variceal bleeding.
机译:在健康受试者中,奥曲肽主要是通过肝脏代谢的,这表明肝功能异常患者的血浆生长抑素类似物的半衰期可能会延长。因此,本研究的目的是(a)确定6例肝硬化和门静脉高压症患者皮下注射奥曲肽后的药代动力学,并(b)比较250μg生长抑素和50μg奥曲肽静脉滴注对矫正楔形肝静脉的影响的幅度和持续时间并在13例肝硬化和门静脉高压症患者给药后1h将结果与类似物的血浆水平相关联。与健康对照组相比,皮下注射50μg奥曲肽后,循环半衰期延长(范围2.4至4.79 h),而清除率(范围2.101至4.775 L / h)降低。静脉推注25μg生长抑素或50μg奥曲肽可降低WHVP的幅度和持续时间,尽管在给药后1h血液中有相当数量的类似物(1944±226 pg / ml)。这些结果表明,在肝硬化患者中奥曲肽的循环半衰期延长,表明在这类患者中应调整剂量方案,以避免类似物在血液中积聚,这可能导致不良的副作用或毒性。此外,由于IV奥曲肽引起的WHVP降低的幅度和持续时间与生长抑素所观察到的相似,因此必须通过连续静脉输注给予类似物,如天然激素,以产生持续的应答,从而在急性静脉曲张的治疗中起到治疗作用。流血的。



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