首页> 外文期刊>Hydrology and Earth System Sciences >Now you see it, now you don't: a case study of ephemeral snowpacks and soil moisture response in the Great Basin, USA

Now you see it, now you don't: a case study of ephemeral snowpacks and soil moisture response in the Great Basin, USA




Ephemeral snowpacks, or those that persist for 25 days in the lowest ( 2500 m) elevations. During this time period snowpack was highly variable. The maximum seasonal snow cover during water years 2005–2014 was 64?% in 2010 and at a minimum of 24?% in 2014. We found that elevation had a strong control on snow ephemerality, and nearly all snowpacks over 2500?m were seasonal except those on south-facing slopes. Additionally, we used SNODAS-derived estimates of solid and liquid precipitation, melt, sublimation, and blowing snow sublimation to define snow ephemerality mechanisms. In warm years, the Great Basin shifts to ephemerally dominant as the rain–snow transition increases in elevation. Given that snow ephemerality is expected to increase as a consequence of climate change, physics-based modeling is needed that can account for the complex energetics of shallow snowpacks in complex terrain. These modeling efforts will need to be supported by field observations of mass and energy and linked to finer remote sensing snow products in order to track ephemeral snow dynamics.
机译:短暂的积雪,或在最低(2500 m)高程中可持续25天的积雪。在此期间,积雪变化很大。 2005-2014年水域的最大季节性积雪在2010年为64%,而在2014年则为最小24%。我们发现海拔高度对积雪的短暂性有很强的控制作用,几乎所有超过2500μm的积雪都是季节性的除了那些朝南的山坡。此外,我们使用SNODAS得出的固态和液态降水,融化,升华和吹雪升华的估算值来定义雪短暂性机制。在温暖的年份,随着雨雪过渡高度的增加,大盆地转变为短暂的主导地位。考虑到由于气候变化,预计雪的短暂性会增加,因此需要基于物理的建模方法,以解释复杂地形中浅层积雪的复杂能量。这些建模工作将需要现场质量和能量观测的支持,并与更精细的遥感积雪相关联,以便跟踪短暂的积雪动力学。



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