首页> 外文期刊>Hydrology and Earth System Sciences >Research NotebrEffect of drought and fires on the quality of water in Lithuanian rivers

Research NotebrEffect of drought and fires on the quality of water in Lithuanian rivers




In August and September 2002, concentrations of heavy metals (copper, lead, and zinc) were 21-74% more than in previous years in Lithuanian rivers. Such a sudden increase in heavy metal pollution reduces the value of any water body for fishing or recreation and poses a potential risk to the environment and to human health. Droughts in the summer of 2002 led to forest and peat bog fires all over Lithuania and may have caused the increase in concentrations of heavy metals detected in Lithuanian rivers in August 2002. The fires could have changed the pH in the top layers of the soil, overcome geochemical barriers in the soil and enabled heavy metals to migrate from the soil to the groundwater and from river bottom sediments to the surface water. style="line-height: 20px;">Keywords: heavy metals, river water quality, Lithuania
机译:2002年8月和2002年9月,立陶宛河流中的重金属(铜,铅和锌)浓度比往年增加了21-74%。重金属污染的突然增加降低了任何水域用于捕鱼或娱乐的价值,并对环境和人类健康构成了潜在风险。 2002年夏季的干旱导致立陶宛全国森林和泥炭沼泽大火,并可能导致2002年8月在立陶宛河流中检测到的重金属浓度增加。大火可能改变了土壤表层的pH,克服土壤中的地球化学障碍,并使重金属从土壤迁移到地下水,从河底沉积物迁移到地表水。 style =“ line-height:20px;”> 关键字: 重金属,河流水质,立陶宛



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