首页> 外文期刊>Hydrology and Earth System Sciences >A regional application of the MAGIC model in Wales: calibration and assessment of future recovery using a Monte-Carlo approach

A regional application of the MAGIC model in Wales: calibration and assessment of future recovery using a Monte-Carlo approach




A survey and resurvey of 77 headwater streams in Walesprovides an opportunity for assessing changes in streamwater chemistry in the region. TheModel of Acidification of Groundwater In Catchment (MAGIC) has been calibrated to thesecond of two surveys, taken in 1994-1995, using a Monte-Carlo methodology. The firstsurvey, 1983-1984, provides a basis for model validation. The model simulates asignificant decline of water quality across the region since industrialisation. Agreedreductions in sulphur (S) emissions in Europe in accordance with the Second S Protocolwill result in a 49% reduction of S deposition across Wales from 1996 to 2010. In responseto these reductions, the proportion of streams in the region with mean annual acidneutralising capacity (ANC) > 0 is predicted to increase from 81% in 1995 to 90% by2030. The greatest recovery between 1984 and 1995 and into the future is at those streamswith low ANC. In order to ensure that streams in the most heavily acidified areas of Walesrecover to ANC zero by 2030, a reduction of S deposition of 80-85% will be required.
机译:对威尔士77条上游水流的调查和调查提供了评估该地区河流水化学变化的机会。使用蒙特卡洛方法,将1994年至1995年进行的两次调查中的第二项校准为集水区地下水酸化模型(MAGIC)。 1983年至1984年的首次调查为模型验证提供了基础。该模型模拟了自工业化以来该地区水质的显着下降。根据第二议定书,欧洲商定减少硫(S)排放量,将使1996年至2010年整个威尔士的硫沉积量减少49%。为应对这些减少,该地区年均酸中和能力的溪流比例( ANC)> 0预计将从1995年的81%增加到2030年的90%。从1984年到1995年,乃至未来最大的复苏就是ANC较低的地区。为了确保到2030年,威尔士酸化程度最高的地区的水流恢复到ANC零,需要将S沉积减少80-85%。



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