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An integrated model for the assessment of global water resources – Part 2: Applications and assessments




To assess global water resources from the perspective of subannual variationin water availability and water use, an integrated water resources model wasdeveloped. In a companion report, we presented the global meteorologicalforcing input used to drive the model and six modules, namely, the landsurface hydrology module, the river routing module, the crop growth module,the reservoir operation module, the environmental flow requirement module,and the anthropogenic withdrawal module. Here, we present the results of themodel application and global water resources assessments. First, the timingand volume of simulated agriculture water use were examined becauseagricultural use composes approximately 85% of total consumptive waterwithdrawal in the world. The estimated crop calendar showed good agreementwith earlier reports for wheat, maize, and rice in major countries ofproduction. In major countries, the error in the planting date was ±1mo, but there were some exceptional cases. The estimated irrigation waterwithdrawal also showed fair agreement with country statistics, but tended tobe underestimated in countries in the Asian monsoon region. The resultsindicate the validity of the model and the input meteorological forcingbecause site-specific parameter tuning was not used in the series ofsimulations. Finally, global water resources were assessed on a subannualbasis using a newly devised index. This index located water-stressed regionsthat were undetected in earlier studies. These regions, which are indicatedby a gap in the subannual distribution of water availability and water use,include the Sahel, the Asian monsoon region, and southern Africa. Thesimulation results show that the reservoir operations of major reservoirs(>1 km3) and the allocation of environmental flow requirements canalter the population under high water stress by approximately −11% to+5% globally. The integrated model is applicable to assessments ofvarious global environmental projections such as climate change.
机译:为了从水的可利用量和用水量的年际变化的角度评估全球水资源,开发了一个综合水资源模型。在随附的报告中,我们介绍了用于驱动该模型的全球气象强迫输入和六个模块,分别是地表水文学模块,河流路径模块,作物生长模块,水库运行模块,环境流量需求模块和人为退缩模块。在这里,我们介绍了模型应用和全球水资源评估的结果。首先,检查了模拟农业用水的时间和数量,因为农业用水约占世界总用水量的85%。估计的作物日历与主要生产国小麦,玉米和大米的早期报告显示出良好的一致性。在主要国家/地区,播种日期的误差为±1mo,但也有一些例外情况。估计的灌溉取水量也与国家统计数据吻合,但在亚洲季风地区的国家中往往被低估了。结果表明该模型的有效性,并且由于在一系列模拟中未使用特定地点的参数调整,因此输入气象强迫。最后,使用新设计的指数对全球水资源进行了半年度评估。该指数位于早期研究中未发现的缺水地区。这些地区的用水量和用水量的年度下半年的差距表明了这些地区,包括萨赫勒地区,亚洲季风地区和南部非洲。模拟结果表明,主要水库(> 1 km 3 )的水库运行和环境流量需求的分配使高水分胁迫下的人口全球迁移约-11%至+ 5%。集成模型适用于评估各种全球环境预测,例如气候变化。



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