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Decision-Making in Audiology: Balancing Evidence-Based Practice and Patient-Centered Care




Health-care service delivery models have evolved from a practitioner-centered approach toward a patient-centered ideal. Concurrently, increasing emphasis has been placed on the use of empirical evidence in decision-making to increase clinical accountability. The way in which clinicians use empirical evidence and client preferences to inform decision-making provides an insight into health-care delivery models utilized in clinical practice. The present study aimed to investigate the sources of information audiologists use when discussing rehabilitation choices with clients, and discuss the findings within the context of evidence-based practice and patient-centered care. To assess the changes that may have occurred over time, this study uses a questionnaire based on one of the few studies of decision-making behavior in audiologists, published in 1989. The present questionnaire was completed by 96 audiologists who attended the World Congress of Audiology in 2014. The responses were analyzed using qualitative and quantitative approaches. Results suggest that audiologists rank clinical test results and client preferences as the most important factors for decision-making. Discussion with colleagues or experts was also frequently reported as an important source influencing decision-making. Approximately 20% of audiologists mentioned utilizing research evidence to inform decision-making when no clear solution was available. Information shared at conferences was ranked low in terms of importance and reliability. This study highlights an increase in awareness of concepts associated with evidence-based practice and patient-centered care within audiology settings, consistent with current research-to-practice dissemination pathways. It also highlights that these pathways may not be sufficient for an effective clinical implementation of these practices.
机译:卫生保健服务提供模式已经从以医生为中心的方法演变为以患者为中心的理想。同时,越来越重视在决策中使用经验证据以增加临床责任。临床医生使用经验证据和客户偏好来进行决策的方式提供了对在临床实践中使用的卫生保健提供模型的洞察力。本研究旨在调查听力学家在与客户讨论康复选择时使用的信息来源,并在循证实践和以患者为中心的护理范围内讨论研究结果。为了评估随着时间的推移可能发生的变化,本研究使用了基于1989年发表的为数不多的听力学家决策行为研究之一的调查问卷。本调查问卷由参加世界听力学大会的96位听力学家完成。 2014年。使用定性和定量方法分析了回应。结果表明,听力学家将临床测试结果和客户偏好作为决策的最重要因素。与同事或专家的讨论也经常被报告为影响决策的重要来源。当没有明确的解决方案时,大约20%的听力学家提到利用研究证据为决策提供依据。在会议上共享的信息在重要性和可靠性方面排名较低。这项研究强调了在听力学环境中与基于证据的实践和以患者为中心的护理有关的概念的意识的增强,这与当前从研究到实践的传播途径相一致。它还强调,这些途径可能不足以有效地实践这些做法。



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