首页> 外文期刊>Hydrology and Earth System Sciences >Evolving flood patterns in a Mediterranean region (1301–2012) and climatic factors – the case of Catalonia

Evolving flood patterns in a Mediterranean region (1301–2012) and climatic factors – the case of Catalonia

机译:地中海地区(1301– 2012)不断演变的洪水模式和气候因素加泰罗尼亚案



Data on flood occurrence and flood impacts for the last seven centuries inthe northeastern Iberian Peninsula have been analysed in order tocharacterise long-term trends, anomalous periods and their relationship withdifferent climatic factors such as precipitation, general circulation andsolar activity. Catastrophic floods (those that produce complete or partialdestruction of infrastructure close to the river, and major damages in theoverflowed area, including some zones away from the channels) do not presenta statistically significant trend, whereas extraordinary floods (the channelis overflowed and some punctual severe damages can be produced in theinfrastructures placed in the rivercourse or near it, but usually damages are slight) have seena significant rise, especially from 1850 on, and were responsible for thetotal increase in flooding in the region. This rise can be mainly attributedto small coastal catchments, which have experienced a marked increase indeveloped land and population, resulting in changes in land use and greatervulnerability. Changes in precipitation alone cannot explain the variation inflood patterns, although a certain increase was shown in late summer–earlyautumn, when extraordinary floods are most frequently recorded. Therelationship between the North Atlantic circulation and floods is not asstrong, due to the important role of mesoscale factors in heavy precipitationin the northwest of the Mediterranean region. However, it can explain thevariance to some extent, mainly in relation to the catastrophic floodsexperienced during the autumn. Solar activity has some impact on changes incatastrophic floods, with cycles related to the quasi-biennial oscillation(QBO) and the Gleissberg solar cycle. In addition, anomalous periods of high floodfrequency in autumn generally occurred during periods of increased solaractivity. The physical influence of the latter in general circulationpatterns, the high troposphere and the stratosphere, has been analysed inorder to ascertain its role in causing floods.



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