首页> 外文期刊>H-ermes. Journal of Communication >Back in the Days: dal Nostalgia Film alla Nostalgic Television Series = Back in the Days: from Nostalgia Film to Nostalgic Television Series

Back in the Days: dal Nostalgia Film alla Nostalgic Television Series = Back in the Days: from Nostalgia Film to Nostalgic Television Series




One of the most effective insights of postmodern theory of narrative was the “nostalgia for the present” defined by Jameson in Postmodernism. The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism. In the narrative arts there was a trend of works based on “list of stereotypes, of ideas of facts and historical realities”; in the field of cinematographic productions, Jameson called this kind of movie “nostalgia film”, citing American Graffiti and Chinatown as exemplary cases of movies set in another era, as historical films, but that cannot be confused with them because the “nostalgia film” focuses on “imaginary style of real past”. In this trend there were also movies which connect past and present (Body Heat, Blue Velvet, Something Wild), showing “a collective unconscious in the process of trying to identify its own present at the same time that they illuminate the failure of this attempt, which seems to reduce itself to the recombination of various stereotypes of the past”. More than two decades away from these insights we start again to talk about nostalgia as the hallmark of many contemporary narrative works, especially in the field of television series in which some scholars actually find a strong trend towards the nostalgic. Katherina Niemeyer and Daniela Wentz assert this kind of nostalgia consists of: “reconstructing and reimagining the past visually, discursively and historically by portraying and referring to the key political, social, economic and aesthetic elements of former times”. We can find examples of that sort both in American and European series such as Stranger Things, Mad Men, Narcos, Boardwalk Empire, Downton Abbey, Deutschland 83, Aquarius, 1992, The Get-Down and many others.
机译:后现代叙事理论最有效的见解之一是詹姆森在后现代主义中定义的“当下的怀旧”。晚期资本主义的文化逻辑。在叙事艺术中,有一种趋势是基于“刻板印象,事实观念和历史现实”。在电影制作领域,詹姆森称这类电影为“怀旧电影”,并引用美国涂鸦和唐人街作为另一个时代的典范电影,作为历史电影,但不能与之混淆,因为“怀旧电影”专注于“真实过去的想象风格”。在这种趋势下,还有一些将过去与现在联系在一起的电影(《身体狂热》,《蓝色天鹅绒》,《狂野的东西》),这些电影展现了“一个集体无意识,他们试图找出自己的存在,同时也说明了这一尝试的失败。 ,这似乎简化了对过去各种刻板印象的重新组合”。距这些见解已经有二十多年的历史了,我们再次开始谈论怀旧作为许多当代叙事作品的标志,尤其是在电视连续剧领域,其中一些学者实际上发现了一种怀旧趋势。凯瑟琳娜·尼迈耶(Katherina Niemeyer)和丹妮拉·温兹(Daniela Wentz)断言,这种怀旧包括:“通过描绘和指代前代的关键政治,社会,经济和美学元素,在视觉,话语和历史上重建和重新构想过去”。我们可以在欧美系列中找到此类示例,例如陌生人事物,狂人,纳尔科斯,浮桥帝国,唐顿修道院,德国83,水瓶座,1992,Get-Down等。



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