首页> 外文期刊>World Allergy Organization Journal >Common Causes of Anaphylaxis in Children: The First Report of Anaphylaxis Registry in Iran

Common Causes of Anaphylaxis in Children: The First Report of Anaphylaxis Registry in Iran




Background Anaphylaxis is an acute, systemic, and potentially fatal allergic reaction. Many things can cause anaphylaxis potentially but some agents are more common like some foods (milk, egg, soy, wheat, peanut, tree nut, shellfish, and fish), insect stings, medications, latex, and food-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis. The goal of this study is to show the common causes of anaphylaxis among the children with anaphylaxis history who were referred to the Immunology, Asthma and Allergy Research Institute (IAARI) during a 4-year period (2005-2009). Methods and Materials During those 4 years, we registered all children ( Results One hundred ninety-three nonfatal anaphylactic attacks among 63 children were recognized. In total, the most current cause of anaphylaxis in children was food (89.7%). Milk (49.3%) and wheat (26.1%) were the most common. Other foods were egg (8.7%), nuts (2.8%), and spices (2.8%). Six children (8.7%) were sensitive to multiple food allergens like milk, egg, and wheat. Five (7.1%) of 63 patients had anaphylactic attack because of stinging. Wasp was the trigger in 3 (4.3%) of them and honeybee was the cause in 1 (1.4%). The last one was because of unknown hymenoptera. There were 2 idiopathic cases of all 63 patients. Conclusions Food allergens, especially milk and wheat, are the most common cause of anaphylaxis in children. Because anaphylaxis can be fatal, it is advisable to recognize its causes in different communities to prevent recurrent attacks.
机译:背景过敏反应是一种急性,全身性和潜在致命的过敏反应。许多事情都可能引起过敏反应,但某些药物更常见,例如某些食物(牛奶,鸡蛋,大豆,小麦,花生,坚果,贝类和鱼类),insect虫,药物,乳胶和与食物有关的运动引起的过敏反应。这项研究的目的是显示在有过敏史的儿童中,在4年期间(2005-2009年)被转诊至免疫,哮喘和过敏研究所(IAARI)的常见过敏原因。方法和材料在这4年中,我们对所有儿童进行了登记(结果,在63名儿童中识别出193例非致命性过敏反应。总的来说,儿童中引起过敏反应的最主要原因是食物(89.7%),牛奶(49.3%) )和小麦(26.1%)是最常见的;其他食物是鸡蛋(8.7%),坚果(2.8%)和香料(2.8%);六个孩子(8.7%)对多种食物过敏,例如牛奶,鸡蛋63名患者中有5名(7.1%)因刺痛而发生过敏性发作,其中3名(4.3%)是黄蜂的诱因,而蜜蜂(1%(1.4%)是其原因),最后一位是由于未知结论:食物过敏原,尤其是牛奶和小麦,是儿童过敏反应的最常见原因,因为过敏反应可能是致命的,因此建议在不同的社区中认识引起过敏的原因,以防止复发。攻击。


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