首页> 外文期刊>World Allergy Organization Journal >Incrimination of Blomia tropicalis as a Potent Allergen in House Dust and its Role in Allergic Asthma in Kolkata Metropolis, India

Incrimination of Blomia tropicalis as a Potent Allergen in House Dust and its Role in Allergic Asthma in Kolkata Metropolis, India




Background Theincreasing trend in allergic diseases has become obvious in the present day, especially in developing countries like India, because of many factors such as change in ambient air quality, increased air pollution, metamorphic change in living habits and lifestyle, and climate [ 1 ]. Mites present in house dust represent a major source of allergens, resulting in different allergic manifestations all over the world, and hypersensitivity to these dust mites may play a pivotal role in pathogenesis of several allergic complaints including bronchial asthma. The present study evaluated the sensitization toward house dust and house dust mites among patients residing in Kolkata metropolis, India, who are suffering from allergic asthma. Methods The skin prick test was performed on a total of 1079 patients (585 males and 494 females) between the age group 5-50 years and 50 healthy controls using a variety of 16 common aero-allergenic extracts including 4 allergens of interest, viz. Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, Dermatophagoides farinae, and Blomia tropicalis and total house dust allergens. Total serum IgE level was measured by using the EIA technique and specific IgE levels against aforesaid allergens were detected with the Pharmacia ImmunoCAP 100 System. The influence of age and sex, if any, on allergen sensitivity was also investigated. All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS 10.0 for Windows and Zar [ 2 ]. Results The responses among patients with asthma to house dust and house dust mite allergen tests were as follows: house dust (96.22%), D. pteronyssinus (75.06%), B. tropicalis (72%), and D. farinae (63.72%). The frequency of positive skin response was found to be independent of age and sex. The total serum IgE levels in patients varied between 7.3 and 4040 IU/ml (mean 369 ± 26.51 IU/ml). Specific IgE antibody test proved that 83% patients showed sensitivity toward at least 1 of the allergens tested. Discussion The results indicate that patients are highly sensitive to house dust and 3 other allergenic mites, namely, D. pteronyssinus, D. farinae, and B. tropicalis, as evidenced by the skin prick test, quantification of total serum IgE, and detection of allergen-specific IgE antibodies among patients of Kolkata. Although mites belonging to the genus Dermatophagoides have already been incriminated as a major source of allergen in house dust in India, this is the first time the role of B. tropicalis mites causing allergic asthma has been reported from an Indian population. Thus, the importance of B. tropicalis mite as an aetiopathological agent in causing various allergic manifestations among the Kolkata population should not be undermined and the allergen should be included in routine allergy testing.
机译:背景技术由于许多因素,例如周围空气质量的变化,空气污染的增加,生活习惯和生活方式的变态变化以及气候,[1]如今,过敏性疾病的增长趋势已变得显而易见,尤其是在印度这样的发展中国家。 。屋尘中的螨虫是过敏原的主要来源,在世界各地导致不同的过敏表现,对这些尘螨的超敏反应可能在包括支气管哮喘在内的多种过敏性疾病的发病机理中起关键作用。本研究评估了居住在印度加尔各答大都市的患有过敏性哮喘的患者对屋尘和屋尘螨的敏感性。方法使用多种16种常见的气敏性提取物(包括4种感兴趣的过敏原)对1079名5至50岁年龄段的患者(585名男性和494名女性)和50名健康对照进行皮肤点刺试验。鹿角皮癣菌(Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus),法氏皮肤癣菌(Dermatophagoides farinae)和热带布洛米虫(Blomia Tropicalis)以及总屋尘过敏原。使用EIA技术测量总血清IgE水平,并使用Pharmacia ImmunoCAP 100系统检测针对上述过敏原的特定IgE水平。还研究了年龄和性别(如果有)对过敏原敏感性的影响。使用Windows和Zar的SPSS 10.0进行所有统计分析[2]。结果哮喘患者对屋尘和屋尘螨过敏原测试的反应如下:屋尘(96.22%),蕨类植物(D. pteronyssinus)(75.06%),热带芽孢杆菌(B.tropicis)(72%)和粉虱(F. farinae)(63.72%)。 )。发现阳性皮肤反应的频率与年龄和性别无关。患者的血清总IgE水平在7.3至4040 IU / ml之间(平均369±26.51 IU / ml)。特异性IgE抗体测试证明83%的患者对至少一种过敏原表现出敏感性。讨论结果表明,通过皮肤点刺试验,总血清IgE的定量检测以及对血清中IgE的检测,可以证明患者对屋尘和其他3种过敏原螨高度敏感,这些螨为D. pteronyssinus,D。farinae和B. Tropicalis。加尔各答患者中的变应原特异性IgE抗体。尽管在印度,尘螨属的螨虫已被列为室内灰尘中过敏原的主要来源,但这是首次从印度人口中报道热带双歧杆菌螨虫引起过敏性哮喘的作用。因此,不应破坏热带小芽孢杆菌作为引起加尔各答人群中各种变态反应表现的病原体的重要性,并且在常规变态反应测试中应包括变应原。



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