首页> 外文期刊>Transportation Research Procedia >Experimental Framework for Simulators to Study Driver Cognitive Distraction: Brake Reaction Time in Different Levels of Arousal

Experimental Framework for Simulators to Study Driver Cognitive Distraction: Brake Reaction Time in Different Levels of Arousal




Distraction has the potential to degrade driving performance and may have serious consequences for road safety. There is a number of research in this area and most studies concentrate on perception errors as a result of visual distraction, so much so that NHTSA has issued driver distraction guidelines to address visual and manual sources of distraction. Cognitive distraction occurs when attention is withdrawn from the processing of information necessary for the safe operation of a vehicle and seems to be qualitatively different from those associated with visual distraction.Among those sources of distraction, the cognitive one is the most difficult the to assess because of the problems associated with the observation of what a driver's brain, as opposed to hands or eyes is doing.Despite many published standards, that specify a number of methods for evaluating the visual and manual demand of secondary task interactions, there are currently no published standards that explicitly and exclusively apply to cognitive distraction. In this paper is presented an experimental framework, developed within DRIVE IN2 project (DRIVEr Monitoring: Technologies, Methodologies and IN-vehicle INnovative systems for a safe and eco-compatible driving), based on a driving simulator and car-following paradigm, with the lead vehicle that brakes suddenly when a driver in a loop system, that analyzes in real time EEG signals, detects boot very high and very low level of engagement or arousal. As driving simulator, also the Sim-Panda has been used, developed in the project, the first prototype for testing driver monitoring systems in safety conditions and in a real car.Neuro-feedback for controlling the lead vehicle is obtained by the SDK (Suite Development Kit) of Neuro-Headset Emotiv EPOC, that uses proprietary metrics, that looks for distinct brainwave characteristics that are universal in nature and do not require signature-building or individual baselining. The first is “Engagement”, characterized by increases in beta and attenuated alpha waves, and the other is “Excitement”, associated with arousal and overall physiological response.To study cognitive driver distraction, reaction time is evaluated, measuring time elapsed between sudden braking lead vehicle and response from drivers. Results are interpreted comparing brake reaction time recorded when the two metrics are booth above or below specific thresholds, obtaining indications of a driver's ability to quickly and safely respond to the sudden appearance of a threat.Reaction time measures show a great deal of consistency, and our preliminary results report that drivers responses to a lead braking vehicle are the slower, the higher is the attention they are paying to the roadway, as the drivers that are engaged in secondary-vehicle activities.
机译:分心有可能降低驾驶性能,并可能对道路安全造成严重后果。在这一领域有许多研究,并且大多数研究集中在视觉分散引起的感知错误上,以至于NHTSA发布了驾驶员分散注意力的指南,以解决视觉和人工分散的来源。当注意力从车辆安全操作所必需的信息处理中撤出时,就会发生认知分心,并且在本质上似乎与与视觉分心有关的分心有所不同。在这些分心的来源中,最难以评估的是一种认知分心,因为与观察驾驶员的大脑而不是手或眼睛在做什么有关的问题尽管有许多已发布的标准,其中指定了许多方法来评估次要任务交互的视觉和手动需求,但目前尚无任何公开的标准专门用于认知分散的标准。本文介绍了一个基于驾驶模拟器和汽车跟随范式的DRIVE IN2项目(驾驶员监视:技术,方法和车内创新系统,用于安全和环保的驾驶)开发的实验框架。当循环系统中的驾驶员实时分析EEG信号并检测到非常高和非常低的接合或唤醒水平时,引导车辆突然制动。作为驾驶模拟器,该项目还开发了Sim-Panda,这是用于在安全条件下和真实汽车中测试驾驶员监控系统的首个原型.SDK获得了用于控制领先车辆的神经反馈(Suite Neuro-Headset Emotiv EPOC开发工具包),它使用专有的度量标准,可以寻找自然界中普遍存在的,不需要签名建立或单个基准的独特脑电波特征。第一个是“参与”,其特征在于β波和衰减的α波增加,另一个是“兴奋”,与唤醒和整体生理反应相关。要研究认知驾驶员的注意力,评估反应时间,测量突然制动之间的时间引导车辆并得到驾驶员的回应。通过比较两个指标在特定阈值以上或以下时记录的制动反应时间来解释结果,从而获得驾驶员快速,安全地应对威胁突然出现的能力的指示。反应时间度量显示出极大的一致性,并且我们的初步结果报告称,驾驶员对铅制动车辆的反应越慢,他们对道路的关注程度越高,因为驾驶员从事二手车活动。



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