首页> 外文期刊>Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira >Swinepox dermatitis in backyard pigs in Northeastern Brazil

Swinepox dermatitis in backyard pigs in Northeastern Brazil




: This article describes five outbreaks of swinepox in backyard pigs in Northeastern Brazil. It affected backyard pigs from herds of poor hygienic-sanitary conditions with severe fly and lice infestations. The morbidity ranged from 33.3 to 100% among affected herds, with mortality reaching up to 60%. The affected pigs developed multifocal to coalescent gray to white papules and blisters in the skin, with eventual eruptions, evolving to erosions and crusts. In addition to skin lesions, affected piglets presented apathy, anorexia and fever. The disease was auto-limiting, resolving within 15 to 25 days. Histological examination revealed proliferative and ulcerative vesiculopustular dermatitis with ballooning degeneration of epithelial cells, perivascular inflammatory infiltrates of lymphocytes, plasma cells, neutrophils, eosinophils and some macrophages in the dermis. Intracytoplasmic eosinophilic inclusions were consistently observed in keratinocytes. Total DNA extracted from fresh tissue fragments obtained from one outbreak and formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue from the other four outbreaks was submitted to polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for Swinepox virus (SWPV) and Vaccinia virus (VACV). Genetic SWPV material was identified by PCR in fresh material from one outbreak. Nucleotide sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of the PCR amplicons (viral polymerase gene) demonstrated 100% homology with sequences from SWPV. All tissues were PCR negative for VACV. Swine poxvirus is present in backyard pigs in Northeastern Brazil, indicating the need of including SWPV in the differential diagnosis of dermatitis in pigs. Index Terms:??Swine; poxvirus; dermatitis; viral disease Resumo: Em cinco surtos de var?-ola em su?-nos no Nordeste do Brasil foram acometidos leit?μes e su?-nos adultos, de rebanhos dom??sticos criados em condi?§?μes higi?anico-sanit??rias prec??rias, que apresentavam graves infesta?§?μes por moscas e piolhos. A morbidade variou de 33,3-100% entre os rebanhos afetados e a mortalidade atingindo 60%. Os animais afetados desenvolveram p??pulas cinzentas ou esbranqui?§adas coalescentes e ves?-culas, que evolu?-ram para eros?μes e crostras. Al??m das les?μes de pele, os leit?μes afetados apresentavam apatia, anorexia e febre. A doen?§a foi autolimitante, com resolu?§?£o em 15 a 25 dias. Histologicamente, observou-se dermatite proliferativa e ulcerativa com degenera?§?£o balonosa das c??lulas do epit??lio, infiltrado inflamat?3rio perivascular de linf?3citos, plasm?3citos, neutr?3filos, eosin?3filos e escassos macr?3fagos na derme. Inclus?μes eosinof?-licas intracitoplasm??ticas foram consistentemente observadas em queratin?3citos. DNA total extra?-do a partir de fragmentos de tecido frescos obtidos a partir de um surto, e de tecido fixado em formol e embebido em parafina dos outros quatro surtos, foram submetidos ?? rea?§?£o em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) para o v?-rus da var?-ola su?-na (SWPV) e o v?-rus vacc?-nia (VACV). Material gen??tico do SWPV foi identificado por PCR em material fresco de um surto. O sequenciamento e an??lise filogen??tica dos produtos de amplifica?§?£o da PCR (gene da polimerase viral) demonstraram 100% de homologia com sequ?ancias do SWPV. Todos os fragmentos de tecidos foram negativos para VACV na PCR. Este artigo relata a circula?§?£o de poxv?-rus su?-no no Nordeste do Brasil, indicando a necessidade de incluir SWPV no diagn?3stico diferencial de dermatite em su?-nos. Termos de Indexa?§?£o:??Su?-no; var?-ola; dermatite; doen?§a viral Introduction Swinepox is a vesiculopustular disease of young and adult pigs caused by Swinepox virus (family Poxviridae, genus Suipoxvirus) (Afonso et al. 2002). Affected pigs present progressive and frequently generalized lesions in the skin, starting with petechiae. These petechiae evolve through the stages of papules, vesicles and yellow pustules that eventually originate crusts (scabs) with crateriform aspect (Munz & Dumbell 1994). The clinical course is approximately four weeks, but lesions may persist longer in pigs under poor hygienic conditions due to secondary bacterial and parasitic infections (Bersano et al. 2003, Medaglia et al. 2011). Pigs are apparently the only host species of SWPV in nature and virus transmission is usually associated with poor hygienic conditions and the presence of insects, mainly lice (Haematopinus suis) and domestic flies (Musca domestica) which act as mechanic vectors for virus transmission (Munz & Dumbell 1994). The virus is usually transmitted by direct or indirect contact. Congenital infection resulting in newborn piglets with generalized lesions may sporadically occur (Paton et al. 1990). Although the mortality is generally low, the morbidity in affected herds may reach up to 100%. Piglets are most frequently affected and present more severe lesions than adult animals (Bersano et al. 2003). In general, the disease is restricted to the skin, with preference to less keratinized regions such
机译::本文介绍了巴西东北部后院猪爆发的五种猪痘。它影响了后代猪群的卫生和卫生条件,并带有严重的苍蝇和虱子侵扰。在受影响的牛群中,发病率从33.3%到100%不等,死亡率高达60%。患病猪的皮肤出现多灶性至聚结性灰白色至白色丘疹和水疱,最终爆发,发展为糜烂和结rust。除皮肤病变外,受影响的仔猪还表现出冷漠,厌食和发烧。该病是自限性的,可在15至25天内解决。组织学检查显示增生性和溃疡性囊泡性皮炎,伴有上皮细胞的气球变性,淋巴细胞,浆细胞,嗜中性粒细胞,嗜酸性粒细胞和真皮中某些巨噬细胞的气球性炎性浸润。在角质形成细胞中始终观察到胞浆内嗜酸性包涵体。从一次疫情暴发的新鲜组织片段和其他四次疫情的福尔马林固定,石蜡包埋(FFPE)组织中提取的总DNA接受Swinepox病毒(SWPV)和痘苗病毒(VACV)的聚合酶链反应(PCR)。通过一次爆发的新鲜材料中的PCR鉴定了遗传SWPV材料。 PCR扩增子(病毒聚合酶基因)的核苷酸测序和系统发育分析表明与SWPV的序列具有100%的同源性。所有组织的VACV均为PCR阴性。在巴西东北部的后院猪中存在猪痘病毒,这表明需要在猪的皮炎的鉴别诊断中包括SWPV。索引词:猪;痘病毒皮炎;病毒性疾病简历:Em cinco surtos de var?-ola em su?-nos no Nordeste do Brasil foram acometidos leit?μese su?-nos adultos,de rebanhos dom?sticos criados em condi?§?μshigi?anico- sanit ?? rias prec ?? rias,que apresentavam坟墓不完整?§?μespor moscas e piolhos。患病的变种有33,3-100%的腐烂,有60%的死灰质。拟南芥(Os animais afetados desenvolveram p?pulas cinzentas ou esbranqui?§adascoalescentes e ves?-culas,que evolu?-ram para eros?μese crostras)。 Al ?? m das les?μesde pele,os leit?μesafetados apresentavam apatia,厌食和纤维。自动限制的范围是15至25 dias。组织学,观察到的皮肤变质性皮肤炎和溃疡性皮肤炎,流行性炎症,3型血管周围血管炎,3种血浆,3种血浆,3种中性粒细胞,3种嗜酸性粒细胞。 escassos macr?3fagos na derme。包括嗜酸粒细胞嗜酸性粒细胞-丝状内质网-ticas孔的一致性观察到了槲皮素-3citos。脱氧核糖核酸总额外吗?-做壁画的碎片的一部分,做表面的部分,壁画固定的形式和表面的部分,壳层的亚微米级?重新获得polimerase的聚合酶(PCR)对v?-rus da var?-ola su?-na(SWPV)和v?-rus vacc?-nia(VACV)。可以通过PCR进行材料鉴定的SWF材料,也可以使用材料壁画。 PCR或丝裂原菌序列扩增产物(聚合酶病毒基因)demonstraram 100%同源性序列SWPV。 VACV na PCR片段的技术分类。 Este artigo relata a circula?§?£ o de poxv?-rus su?-否no Nordeste do Brasil,表示必要的SWPV否诊断3stico diferencial de dermatite em su?-nos。 Termos de Indexa?§?o:?? Su?-no; var?-ola;蒙脱石病毒简介前言Swinepox是由Swinepox病毒(家族Poxviridae,Suipoxvirus属)引起的成年猪和成年猪的囊疱性疾病(Afonso等,2002)。患病的猪从皮肤瘀斑开始出现皮肤进行性疾病和经常性的广泛性病变。这些瘀点通过丘疹,小泡和黄色脓疱的阶段演变,最终形成具有状的壳(sc)(Munz&Dumbell 1994)。临床过程大约为四个星期,但是由于继发性细菌和寄生虫感染,在不良卫生条件下,猪的病变可能会持续更长的时间(Bersano等,2003; Medaglia等,2011)。猪显然是自然界中SWPV的唯一宿主物种,病毒传播通常与不良的卫生条件和昆虫的存在有关,主要是虱子(Haematopinus suis)和家蝇(Musca domestica),它们是病毒传播的机械载体(Munz &Dumbell 1994)。该病毒通常通过直接或间接接触传播。先天性感染可能会偶发地发生新生仔猪普遍性病变(Paton等,1990)。尽管死亡率通常很低,但受影响牧群的发病率可能高达100%。与成年动物相比,仔猪最常受到感染,病灶更严重(Bersano等,2003)。通常,该疾病局限于皮肤,优选角质较少的区域,例如



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