首页> 外文期刊>Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira >Poisoning by Enterolobium contortisiliquum in cattle in Northeastern Brazil.

Poisoning by Enterolobium contortisiliquum in cattle in Northeastern Brazil.




An outbreak of photosensitization caused by Enterolobium contortisiliquum pods is reported in cattle in the state of Pernambuco, semiarid region of Northeastern Brazil. The clinical signs included decreased appetite, prostration, weight loss, subcutaneous edema, dermatitis and jaundice. The animals presented mild anemia, elevated serum activities of AST, LDH and GGT, and increased serum concentrations of urea. Serum concentrations of creatinine, total proteins and albumin were within normal ranges. At necropsy, the liver was increased in size and diffusely orange. The subcapsular surface of the kidneys showed irregular whitish striations interspersed with dark areas. Histologically, the skin showed dermatitis, and the liver had centrolobular vacuolation and necrosis of hepatocytes and occasionally single cell necrosis. Tubular toxic nephrosis was also observed. The poisoning by E. contortisiliquum should be differentiate from photosensitation caused by other plants including Brachiaria spp., Panicum dichotomiflorum and Froelichia humboldtiana.
机译:据报道,巴西东北部半干旱地区伯南布哥州的牛群中爆发了由肠球菌引起的光敏性爆发。临床症状包括食欲下降,虚脱,体重减轻,皮下水肿,皮炎和黄疸。这些动物表现出轻度的贫血,AST,LDH和GGT的血清活性升高以及尿素的血清浓度升高。血清肌酐,总蛋白和白蛋白浓度在正常范围内。尸检时,肝脏增大,并呈橙色扩散。肾脏的囊下表面显示不规则的白色条纹,中间散布着深色区域。从组织学上看,皮肤表现出皮炎,肝有小叶中心空泡化和肝细胞坏死,偶有单细胞坏死。还观察到管状毒性肾病。 Contortisiliquum的中毒应区别于其他植物引起的光敏作用,包括Brachiaria spp。,Panicum dichotomiflorum和Froelichia humboldtiana。



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