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Serum dosage of CPK-MB in dogs with ST deviation by chemiluminescence




: Although frequently in humans, hypoxic and ischemic heart diseases are poorly documented in dogs, with only few reports of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in this species. Some electrocardiographic findings might suggest myocardium hypoxia/ischemia, like ST segment elevation or depression, but there are no studies showing whether deviations in ST segment are associated to myocardial injury and serum increase of creatine phosphokinase (CPK-MB). In order to investigate possible myocardial cells injury in poor perfusion conditions, 38 dogs were studied, 20 with normal electrocardiogram and 18 with ST segment elevation or depression, recorded in lead II, at a paper speed of 50 mm/sec and N sensibility (1mV=1cm). Serum measurement of creatine phosphokinase isoenzyme MB (CPK-MB) in normal dogs (group 1) determined control values (in ng/mL), which were compared to those obtained from dogs with deviation (group 2), which allowed confirmation or not of myocardial injury. CPK-MB mean values obtained from dogs in groups 1 and 2 were 0.540ng/ml (SD?±0.890)ng/mL and 0.440ng/mL (SD?±1.106), respectively. At a significance level of 5%, the relation of CPK-MB with age, mass and total creatine phosphokinase (CPK-T) was not significant in groups 1 and 2. CPK-MB showed no difference, at 5% level, between groups 1 and 2. In conclusion, it is possible to use the human chemiluminescent immunometric assay kit in canine species and that hypoxia/ischemia revealed by ST segment deviation does not mean significant myocardium injury. Index Terms:??Creatinephosphokinase; CPK-MB; dogs; ST segment Resumo: Embora frequente em humanos, as doen?§as hip?3xicas e isqu?amicas do cora?§?£o s?£o pouco relatadas em c?£es, com poucos relatos de infarto agudo do mioc??rdio (IAM) nesta esp??cie. Alguns achados no eletrocardiograma podem sugerir hip?3xia/isquemia mioc??rdica, como a eleva?§?£o ou depress?£o do segmento ST, mas n?£o h?? estudos que mostram se os desvios do segmento ST est?£o associados a les?μes mioc??rdicas e aumento s??rico da creatinafosfoquinase (CPK-MB). A fim de investigar poss?-veis les?μes nas c??lulas mioc??rdicas em condi?§?μes de m?? perfus?£o, 38 c?£es foram estudados, 20 com eletrocardiograma normal e 18 com eleva?§?£o ou depress?£o do segmento ST, registrados em papel, na deriva?§?£o II, velocidade de 50 mm/s e sensibilidade N (1mV = 1cm). A mensura?§?£o da creatinafosfoquinase isoenzima MB (CPK-MB) em c?£es normais (grupo 1) determinou os valores controle (em ng/ml), que foram comparados com os obtidos a partir de c?£es com desvio (grupo 2), permitindo a confirma?§?£o ou n?£o da les?£o mioc??rdica. Os valores m??dios de CPK-MB obtidos de c?£es nos grupos 1 e 2 foram 0,540ng/ml (DP?±0,890) e 0,440ng / ml (DP ?± 1.106), respectivamente. A um n?-vel de signific?¢ncia de 5%, a rela?§?£o de CPK-MB com a idade, massa e creatinofosfoquinase total (CPK-T) n?£o foi significativa nos grupos 1 e 2. N?£o houve diferen?§as na CPK-MB, ao n?-vel de 5%, entre os grupos 1 e 2. Conclui-se que ?? poss?-vel utilizar o kit de ensaio imunom??trico por quimioluminesc?ancia humano na esp??cie canina e que a hipoxia/isquemia revelada pelos desvios do segmento ST, n?£o significa les?£o mioc??rdica. Termos de Indexa?§?£o:??Creatinafosfoquinase; CPK-MB; c?£es; segmento ST Introduction Acute myocardial infarction is a common affection in humans, having as a typical symptom the "chest pain" irradiating to the back and arms. Individuals with these symptoms are monitored by electrocardiogram and by dosing myocardial hypoxia-ischemia markers (Bonow et al. 2009, Tharwat 2013). Myocardial hypoxia is the insufficient cardiac muscle oxygenation (Robbins et al. 2001), in spite of the adequate perfusion (Bonow et al. 2009), while ischemia is the oxygen deprivation followed by inadequate metabolites removal. During hypoxia, enzymes are liberated in the blood circulation (Loegering & Critz 1971) and, in case of hypoxia/myocardial infarction, creatine phosphokinase (CPK) catalyses the reversible reaction: creatine + ATP phosphocreatine + ADP, named Lohman Reaction (Aktas et al. 1993, Bottomley & Weiss 2001). CPK is a dimeric molecule of 381 amino acids that consists of two subunits, (M and B, which have the same weight but are immunologically distinct and synthesized by two different genes) and presents 282 cysteine residues that are necessary for its catalytic activity. There are three isoenzymes: CPK-MM, present in striated muscle; CPK-BB, present predominantly in the brain and digestive system and CPK-MB, present in the cardiac tissue, kidneys, intestines and lungs (Aktas et al. 1993). CPK synthesis control is not well understood. Studies show that, in dogs myocardium, short term anoxia causes an increase in the concentration of the mRNA for the B subunit synthesis, resulting in an increase of 35% to 100% of the CPK-MB serum activity, therefore it is used for the diagnosis of experimentally induced acute myocardial infarction in dogs (Aktas
机译::尽管缺氧和缺血性心脏病在人类中很常见,但在狗中的文献却很少,只有极少的关于该物种的急性心肌梗塞(AMI)的报道。一些心电图检查结果可能提示心肌缺氧/缺血,如ST段抬高或抑郁,但尚无研究表明ST段偏离是否与心肌损伤和肌酸磷酸激酶(CPK-MB)升高有关。为了研究在不良灌注条件下可能对心肌细胞造成的损伤,研究了38条狗,其中20条心电图正常,18条狗的ST段抬高或压低,记录在II导联中,纸速为50 mm / sec,N敏感度为(1mV = 1厘米)。正常狗(第1组)的血清肌酸磷酸激酶同工酶MB(CPK-MB)测定测定的对照值(以ng / mL为单位),与从有偏差的狗(第2组)获得的对照值进行比较,从而可以确认是否心肌损伤。从第1组和第2组的狗获得的CPK-MB平均值分别为0.540ng / ml(SD≤±0.890)ng / mL和0.440ng / mL(SD≤±1.106)。在显着性水平为5%时,第1组和第2组中CPK-MB与年龄,体重和总肌酸磷酸激酶(CPK-T)的关系不显着。在5%水平上,各组之间的CPK-MB无差异。参见图1和2。总之,可以在犬种中使用人类化学发光免疫测定试剂盒,并且ST段偏离所揭示的缺氧/缺血并不意味着严重的心肌损伤。索引词:肌酸磷酸激酶; CPK-MB;小狗; ST段摘要:人的常识,如髋部,膝部,膝部,膝部,膝部,足部和足部的三联症。 (IAM)Nesta esp ?? cie。 Alguns achados no eletrocardiograma podem sugerir hip?3xia / isequemia mioc ?? rdica,como a eleva?§£ o or pressed?£ o segmento ST,mas n?£ o h ??拟定了抗乙型肝炎病毒酯酶(CPK-MB)的抗药性。一个调查对象可能是维斯·莱斯·米斯·纳斯·卢拉斯·米科·迪卡斯·姆·康迪奇? perfus?£ o,38孔眼针,正常心电图20正常e 18 com eleva?§?£ o或压抑?segment segmento ST,registrados em papel,na deriva?§?£ o II,velocidade de 50 mm / se的敏感度N(1mV = 1cm)。一个月桂酸肌酸磷酰胺酶异麦芽酮糖(CPK-MB)符合诺曼斯(grupo 1)的控制价值(em ng / ml),是一种比较部分的替代品。 com desvio(grupo 2),允许进行确认?§?£ o ou n?£ o da les?£ o mioc ?? rdica。 Os valores m ?? dios de CPK-MB obtidos de c?£ es nos grupos 1和2的含量为0,540ng / ml(DP?±0,890)e 0,440ng / ml(DP?±1.106),见皮。显着性含量为5%,CPK-MB的相对含量为Massa Creatinofosfoquinase total(CPK-T)的总含量为1 e 2否是CPK-MB,占5%,请输入1或2。可能会导致缺氧/缺血性脑膜炎,因此有必要在ST段进行ST,无意义的治疗。 。 Termos de Indexa?§o:?? Creatinafosfoquinase; CPK-MB; c?£; segmento ST简介急性心肌梗塞是人类的常见病,其典型症状是照射到背部和手臂的“胸痛”。患有这些症状的个体通过心电图和给药心肌缺氧缺血标记物进行监测(Bonow等,2009; Tharwat,2013)。尽管有足够的灌注(Bonow等,2009),但心肌缺氧是心肌氧合不足(Robbins等,2001),而缺血是缺氧,随后代谢物去除不充分。在缺氧期间,酶在血液循环中释放(Loegering&Critz 1971),在缺氧/心肌梗塞的情况下,肌酸磷酸激酶(CPK)催化可逆反应:肌酸+ ATP>磷酸肌酸+ ADP,称为Lohman反应(Aktas等) (1993年,Bottomley&Weiss,2001年)。 CPK是由381个氨基酸组成的二聚体分子,由两个亚基(M和B,具有相同的重量,但在免疫学上是不同的,并且由两个不同的基因合成)组成,并呈现282个半胱氨酸残基,这是其催化活性所必需的。有三种同工酶:CPK-MM,存在于横纹肌中; CPK-BB主要存在于大脑和消化系统中,而CPK-MB主要存在于心脏组织,肾脏,肠和肺中(Aktas等,1993)。 CPK合成控制不是很了解。研究表明,在犬心肌中,短期缺氧导致B亚基合成的mRNA浓度增加,导致CPK-MB血清活性增加35%至100%,因此可用于犬实验性急性心肌梗死的诊断(Aktas



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