首页> 外文期刊>Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira >Modification of the microflora associated with the periodontal lesions of 'cara inchada' in calves transferred to a disease-free area

Modification of the microflora associated with the periodontal lesions of 'cara inchada' in calves transferred to a disease-free area

机译:转移至无病区的犊牛与“ cara inchada”牙周病变相关的微生物区系的改变



.- Dutra I.S., Botteon R.C.M. & Döbereiner J. 2000. [Modification of the microflora associated with the periodontal lesions of "cara inchada" in calves transferred to a disease-free area.] Modificação da microbiota associada às lesões peridentárias da "cara inchada" em bezerros transferidos para área indene. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 20(2):71-74. Depto Apoio, Produção e Saúde Animal, Curso de Medicina Veterinária, Unesp–Campus de Araçatuba, Cx. Postal 533, Araçatuba, SP 16015-050, Brazil. Observations on the epizootiology of "cara inchada" in cattle (CI) indicated that animals affected by the disease recover spontaneously when they are transferred from the CI-prone area to CI-free pastures. In the presente study 13 young bovines with actively progressing periodontal CI-lesions were transferred to a CI-free area, in order to investigate the clinical course of the disease and the composition of the microflora in the periodontal lesions in two distinct situations: (1) in the actively progressing lesions, and (2) in the healed periodontal pouches of clinically recovered animals. The semi-quantitative and qualitative bacteriological study was undertaken in regard to the percentage of black-pigmented Bacteroides in cultures. In the actively progressing lesions of the 13 CI-diseased bovines the percentage of these bacteria was 71.3% in average. The evaluation of the composition of the microflora in the healed periodontal pouches of the clinically recovered bovines showed that bacteria of the black-pigmented Bacteroides group existed only at an average of 1.7%. The results of this investigation give further support for the infectious nature of the CI-periodontitis and the primary involvement of these bacteria. INDEX
机译:.- Dutra I.S.,Botteon R.C.M. &DöbereinerJ. 2000. [与小牛的“ cara inchada”的牙周病变有关的微生物群的改变转移到了无病区。] 。 PesquisaVeterináriaBrasileira 20(2):71-74。 Depto Apoio,动物生产公司,Curso de MedicinaVeterinária,联合国教科文组织–校园Araçatuba,Cx。巴西邮政编码533,阿拉萨图巴,SP 16015-050。牛(CI)中“ carainchada”的流行病学观察表明,受疾病影响的动物从易受CI污染的地区转移到无CI的牧场时会自发恢复。在本研究中,将13例活跃于牙周CI病变的年轻牛转移到无CI的区域,以研究两种不同情况下牙周病变的临床病程和微生物区系组成:(1 )在活跃进展的病变中,以及(2)在临床康复的动物的愈合后的牙周袋中。关于培养物中黑色色素杀菌剂的百分比进行了半定量和定性细菌学研究。在13个CI病变的牛的活跃进展性病变中,这些细菌的百分比平均为71.3%。对临床上恢复的牛愈合后的牙周袋中菌群组成的评估表明,黑色色素的拟杆菌属细菌平均仅存在1.7%。这项调查的结果为CI牙周炎的传染性和这些细菌的主要侵害提供了进一步的支持。指数



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