首页> 外文期刊>Verbum et Ecclesia >Exploring ubuntu discourse in South Africa: Loss, liminality and hope

Exploring ubuntu discourse in South Africa: Loss, liminality and hope




This article explores the current state of the social value of ubuntu. The notion of ubuntu seems to offer possibilities for nation building and social cohesion in post-Apartheid South Africa.However, this is contested by scholars who argue that the concept is vague and open to abuse.Interviews reveal that, whilst core elements remain, the meaning of ubuntu has been eroded,and is subject to distortion and even abuse. Ubuntu exists tightly interwoven with un-ubuntu. The notion of liminality is introduced to understand the current state of both ubuntu and South African society in transition. A liminal space offers possibilities for the creative re-imaginingand recovery of ubuntu as a social value that can drive social transformation in South Africa.The lens of discursive leadership offers insight into the ways in which leaders can stimulate and shape ubuntu discourse and facilitate the construction of new meaning in society.Intradisciplinary and/or interdisciplinary implications: The article forms part of broader research into perceptions of difference and threat, and prejudice on the part of South Africans towards foreigners. Ubuntu is a social value that should challenge prejudice and xenophobia and shape social relationships. Research in a rural and urban context in the Eastern Cape suggests that ubuntu discourse has been eroded and is in need of reinvigoration.
机译:本文探讨了ubuntu的社会价值的现状。 ubuntu的概念似乎为后种族隔离的南非提供了国家建设和社会凝聚力的可能性,然而,这受到学者的质疑,他们认为这个概念含糊且易于滥用。 ubuntu的含义已被侵蚀,甚至会失真甚至滥用。 Ubuntu与un-ubuntu紧密地交织在一起。引入刑法概念是为了了解ubuntu和转型中的南非社会的现状。有限的空间为Ubuntu的创造性价值重新构想和恢复提供了可能性,使之成为可以推动南非社会转型的社会价值。话语领导力的镜头使人们洞察了领导者如何激发和塑造Ubuntu话语并促进建构跨学科和/或跨学科的含义:该文章构成了对差异和威胁的看法以及南非人对外国人的偏见的更广泛研究的一部分。 Ubuntu是一种社会价值,应该挑战偏见和仇外心理并塑造社会关系。在东开普省的农村和城市环境中的研究表明,ubuntu话语已受到侵蚀,需要重新振兴。



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