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Comparative investigation on the efficacy of tulathromycin and florfenicol in the treatment of bronchopneumonia in feedlot calves




The clinical efficacy of tulathromycin (TU) and florfenicol (FL) in the treatment of bronchopneumonia (BP) caused by Pasteurella multocida which was isolated from nose swabs of diseased calves has been examined. The symptoms of bronchopneumonia (BP) were quantified by means of the clinical score (CS) with a maximum of 47 points. In the current investigation the average CS in diseased calves was 23.5± 0.15. The clinical efficacy of TU and FL was assessed every day in the first week after the administration of the drugs and was based on the decrease in CS and on microbiological findings on days 7, 28 and 35 after the completion of therapy. Tulathromycin was administered s.c., in the prescribed therapeutic dose (2.5 mg/kg BW), and florfenicol s.c., twice at a 48 h interval, in its respective therapeutic dose (40 mg/kg BW). In spite of the repeated administration of FL, TU was significantly more rapid to decrease the major clinical symptoms in the first four days following the application, in comparison with FL (P<0.05). On the fourth day after the administration, the clinical efficacy of TU in the therapy of BP in calves was 43.4±1.5 %, and of florfenicol 27.2±1.6 %. However, five days after the application of TU and two days after the repeated application of FL the assessed clinical efficacy of the two antibiotics was roughly the same. The average efficacy of TU was 57.1±0.0%, and of florfenicol 58.5±0.0%, both the individual and mean CS in the treated calves was 10 points, due to hyperthermia, which remained the only symptom. Six days after the administration of TU and three days after the repeated application of FL both antibiotics had equal maximum efficacy (100%) in the treatment of BP. The clinical efficacy remained unchanged on day seven. The recovery was confirmed by the absence of P. multocida in nose swabs sampled on the seventh day after the initial treatment. However, in 4 calves (21.05 %) of the 19 treated Streptococcus alpha haemolyticus was isolated. Four weeks after the completion of the treatment with TU and FL the recurrence of BP caused by P. multocida was noted in 30% of calves treated with TU and 22.22% with FL. Seven days after a single administration of TU and FL, all clinical symptoms of recurrent BP and the microbiological findings were negative. Given the obtained results of the investigation on the efficacy of TU and FL in calves, TU can be recommended as the drug of first choice in the treatment of BP caused by P. multocida. Its insufficient clinical efficacy in the first three days following the application may be enhanced by simultaneous administration of NSAID and bronchodilators.
机译:检验了图拉红霉素(TU)和氟苯尼考(FL)在治疗多毛巴斯德氏菌引起的支气管肺炎(BP)中的临床疗效,该多发性巴斯德氏菌是从患病小牛的鼻拭子中分离得到的。支气管肺炎(BP)的症状通过临床评分(CS)进行量化,最高47分。在目前的调查中,患病犊牛的平均CS为23.5±0.15。在给药后的第一周每天评估TU和FL的临床疗效,其依据是CS的降低以及治疗完成后第7、28和35天的微生物学发现。以规定的治疗剂量(2.5 mg / kg BW)皮下注射图拉霉素,以48 h的间隔分别以两次40 mg / kg BW进行氟苯尼考皮下注射。尽管重复施用FL,与FL相比,TU在施用后的前四天显着更快地减轻了主要的临床症状(P <0.05)。给药后第四天,TU对小腿BP治疗的临床疗效为43.4±1.5%,氟苯尼考为27.2±1.6%。但是,在施用TU后五天和重复施用FL后两天,两种抗生素的评估临床疗效大致相同。由于体温过高,TU的平均功效为57.1±0.0%,氟苯尼考为58.5±0.0%,个体和平均CS均达到10分,这是唯一的症状。 TU施用后六天和FL重复施用后三天,两种抗生素在BP的治疗中具有相同的最大功效(100%)。第七天临床疗效保持不变。初始治疗后第七天取样的鼻拭子中不存在多杀性疟原虫,从而证实了其恢复。然而,在19只经治疗的α溶血链球菌中,分离出了4只小牛(占21.05%)。用TU和FL治疗完成四周后,在TU处理的犊牛中有30%在FL处理,而在FL处理的犊牛中有22.22%注意到由多杀青霉引起的BP复发。 TU和FL的单次给药后7天,BP复发的所有临床症状和微生物学发现均为阴性。鉴于对小牛TU和FL功效的研究获得的结果,TU可被推荐作为治疗多杀性疟原虫引起的BP的首选药物。同时施用NSAID和支气管扩张药可增强其在应用后三天内的临床疗效不足。



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