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TORPEDO: Prospective, double blind, randomized clinical trial comparing the use of Ketorolac verse placebo during live donor nephrectomy for kidney transplant

机译:TORPEDO:一项前瞻性,双盲,随机临床试验,比较了活体供体肾切除术中肾移植患者使用Ketorolac verse安慰剂的情况



The aim of this pilot study was to determine if the use of Ketorolac for donor nephrectomies could decrease the use of narcotics. Methods: This is a prospective, double blind, randomized trial involving patients undergoing nephrectomy for live donor kidney transplantation. Three arms: 1. Ketorolac 30mg IV×1 in the OR, then ketorolac 15mg IV every 6h for 7 doses. 2. Ketorolac 30mg IV×1 in the OR, then placebo IV every 6h for 7 doses. 3. Placebo IV×1 in the OR, then placebo IV every 6h for 7 doses. Outcomes: blood loss, mortality, renal function, cumulative narcotic use, length of hospital stay (LOS), and urinary retention. Results: There were no patient deaths, blood transfusions or renal dysfunction in any study arm. Arm 1 had less narcotic use, reduced length of stay, and reduced urinary retention than Arm 3. Conclusion: There was reduced LOS, less narcotic use and less urinary retention in the Ketorolac group (Arm 1) versus the placebo group (Arm 3). Based on these results we will proceed with a larger study to compare the use of non-opioid analgesics in donor nephrectomies. Highlights ? The aim of this pilot study was to determine if the use of Ketorolac for donor nephrectomies could decrease the use of narcotics. ? Prospective, double blind, randomized trial involving patients undergoing nephrectomy for live donor kidney transplantation. ? Outcomes: blood loss, mortality, renal function, cumulative narcotic use, length of hospital stay (LOS), and urinary retention. ? There was reduced LOS, less narcotic use and less urinary retention in the Ketorolac group (Arm 1) versus the placebo group (Arm 3).
机译:这项初步研究的目的是确定酮咯酸用于供体肾切除术是否可以减少麻醉剂的使用。方法:这是一项前瞻性,双盲,随机试验,涉及接受活体供者肾脏移植的肾切除术患者。三支手臂:1.或在手术后每6h口服酮咯酸30mg IV×1,共7剂。 2.口服酮咯酸30mg IV×1,然后每6h静脉注射安慰剂7次。 3. OR的安慰剂IV×1,然后每6h进行一次安慰剂IV,共7剂。结果:失血,死亡率,肾功能,麻醉剂的累积使用,住院时间(LOS)和尿retention留。结果:任何研究组均无患者死亡,输血或肾功能不全。与手臂3相比,手臂1具有更少的麻醉剂使用,更短的住院时间和更少的尿retention留。结论:与安慰剂组(手臂3)相比,酮咯酸组(手臂1)的LOS降低,麻醉剂使用更少,尿retention留更少。 。基于这些结果,我们将进行更大的研究,以比较非阿片类镇痛药在供体肾切除术中的使用。强调 ?这项初步研究的目的是确定酮咯酸用于供体肾切除术是否可以减少麻醉剂的使用。 ?一项前瞻性,双盲,随机试验,涉及接受活体供者肾脏移植的肾切除术患者。 ?结果:失血,死亡率,肾功能,麻醉剂的累积使用,住院时间(LOS)和尿retention留。 ?与安慰剂组(手臂3)相比,酮咯酸组(手臂1)的LOS降低,麻醉药的使用和尿retention留的减少。



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