首页> 外文期刊>Trials >Efficacy and safety of the “Xingnao Kaiqiao” acupuncture technique via intradermal needling to treat postoperative gastrointestinal dysfunction of laparoscopic surgery: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Efficacy and safety of the “Xingnao Kaiqiao” acupuncture technique via intradermal needling to treat postoperative gastrointestinal dysfunction of laparoscopic surgery: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial




Xingnao Kaiqiao acupuncture involves needling of the Neiguan (PC6), Renzhong (DU26), and Sanyinjiao (SP6) acupoints. The technique has a significant clinical effect in many neurological diseases. In the present report, we have developed a protocol for a scientific trial to analyze whether Xingnao Kaiqiao can be used to treat gastrointestinal dysfunction after laparoscopic surgery. In this context, we intend to execute a double-blind, randomized controlled trial to assess the efficacy and safety of Xingnao Kaiqiao acupuncture via intradermal needling. This will be a single-center, double-blind, randomized controlled clinical trial. It has been designed on the basis of the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT 2010) guidelines and the Standards for Reporting Interventions in Controlled Trials of Acupuncture (STRICTA). The subjects will be recruited from among inpatients scheduled for laparoscopic surgery at the Department of Minimally Invasive Surgery, Tianjin Nankai Hospital, Tianjin, China. Using random numbers generated in SPSS 19.0, the recruited subjects will be allocated to either the “Xingnao Kaiqiao” group or the sham stimulation group. A specially appointed investigator will be in charge of the randomization. Xingnao Kaiqiao via intradermal needling (or sham needling) will be administered 6?h after laparoscopic surgery, and then every 12?h for a total of six sessions, each of which will last 3?min. The subjects will undergo their first evaluation shortly before the first treatment (6?h after laparoscopic surgery); evaluations will be repeated every 12?h until a total of seven evaluations have been completed. The primary outcome will be the time until the first postoperative flatus. The secondary outcomes will be: the time until the first postoperative defecation; levels of abdominal pain, abdominal distension, and nausea; blood ghrelin level; occurrence of vomiting; psychological status; and quality of life. This upcoming randomized clinical trial was designed as a standardized method to assess the efficacy and safety of Xingnao Kaiqiao acupuncture using intradermal needles on PC6, DU26, and SP6 in the treatment of gastrointestinal dysfunction after laparoscopic surgery. We aim to provide evidence and thus improve the clinical application of this technique. Chinese Clinical Trial Registry, ChiCTR-IOR-17010763 . Registered on 2 March 2017.
机译:醒脑开窍针刺涉及对内关(PC6),人中(DU26)和三阴交(SP6)穴位的针刺。该技术在许多神经系统疾病中具有重要的临床效果。在本报告中,我们已经制定了一项科学试验的协议,以分析信诺开桥是否可以用于腹腔镜手术后的胃肠功能障碍。在这种情况下,我们打算进行一项双盲,随机对照试验,以评估通过皮内针刺对醒脑开窍针灸的有效性和安全性。这将是一项单中心,双盲,随机对照临床试验。它是根据《综合报告试验标准》(CONSORT 2010)指南和《对照针灸试验报告干预标准》(STRICTA)设计的。研究对象将从天津天津市南开医院微创手术科计划进行腹腔镜手术的住院患者中招募。使用SPSS 19.0中生成的随机数,将被招募的受试者分配到“兴脑开桥”组或假刺激组。专门任命的研究人员将负责随机化。腹腔镜手术后6 h h,通过皮内针刺(或假针刺)进行醒脑开桥,然后每12 h h进行6个小时,每次持续3,min。受试者将在首次治疗前不久(腹腔镜手术后6小时)进行首次评估;评估将每12小时重复一次,直到总共完成七个评估。主要结局是直到首次术后肠胃胀气为止的时间。次要结果是:直到第一次术后排便的时间;腹痛,腹胀和恶心的程度;血生长素释放肽水平;呕吐的发生;心理状态和生活质量。这项即将进行的随机临床试验被设计为一种标准方法,用于评估在PC6,DU26和SP6上皮内注射辛格开窍针灸治疗腹腔镜手术后胃肠功能障碍的有效性和安全性。我们旨在提供证据,从而改善该技术的临床应用。中国临床试验注册中心,ChiCTR-IOR-17010763。 2017年3月2日注册。



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