首页> 外文期刊>The Internet Journal of Dermatology >Intramuscular Angioma of the Frontalis Muscle

Intramuscular Angioma of the Frontalis Muscle




A case of intramuscular angioma in the frontalis muscle of the forehead is reported. The etiology, pathology and treatment of this rare tumor are briefly reviewed. Introduction Intramuscular angioma, a member of deeply located hemangiomas, represents less than 1% of all hemangiomas[1], and is mostly seen in young adults of both sexes. Only 15% of the intramuscular angiomas are located at the head and neck region[2]. We are reporting such a case occurring in the frontalis muscle of the forehead. Case Report A 41-year-old white male noticed a small, soft, nontender mass on his forehead. Physical examination revealed a semiflucuant 1.5 cm mass with normal overlying skin. There was no pulsation, palpable thrill, or audible bruit. There were also no local inflammatory signs or neurological deficits. Patient recalled no any history of local trauma. Clinical impression was a lipoma. The patient underwent an excisional biopsy.Microscopically, the overlying epidermis was normal. In the deep dermis, proliferating mature blood vessels were seen to dissect between the skeletal muscle fibers with focal degeneration of muscle bundles, focal fibrosis and chronic inflammation. Foci of adipose tissue were also noted intermingling with blood vessels (Figure 1 & 2). There was no endothelial atypia. A diagnosis of intramuscular angioma was made.



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